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~Peter's P.O.V.~

It was snowing by the time me and Wade walked to the park we had our first date at, I smiled at the memories we had, the happy and the bad but one thing had been constant,  we where always there for each other.
This is it I thought as I rested my free hand in my pocket allowing my self a feel of the box I had hidden there.
"So you been hired to stalk anyone lately?" I teased. Wade turned to me with a confused expression until he saw me smiling.
He chuckled softly. "Eh just this brown haired geek, nothing you've got to worry about." He teased back.
"Really now? Who hired you to stalk him?" I asked seeing a mischievous shine in his eyes as we stopped walking so he could turn and face me.
"Just his boss, thought he was some sort of super hero or something"
"Really, that's interesting"
"It gets better tho, turns out he's super alright. Super smart, super kind, super good looking, super caring, super loving, and a super boyfriend"
"Well now I'm getting jelouse" I said in a fake huff crossing my arms.
"You shouldn't Hun because no one in the world means more then anything I could want more then you. Your so spectacular I don't deserve you " he said caressing my check.
"Wade..." I started as I reached and pulled his hood of his head. He grimaced slightly then stopped me from finishing my sentence.
"But I'm going to keep you because you make me a better person, you make me whole. You make me want to live. You don't care about my looks, or about the voices I have floating around in my head, heck you get rid of the voices most of the time and you make me feel comfortable with being me." He said. Tears started forming in the corners of his eyes, I gently wiped them away with my thumb.
"Hey don't cry" I said sliding my arms down to embrace him. "Your my best friend Wade. And as much as I'm your rock your my rock just as much. You stayed with me at the hospital when aunt may passed aways, you brighten my dark days. You're the love of my life Wade, I don't want you to ever forget that."
He smiled and kissed me gently then dropped down onto one knee.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, I've been want to to ask you this for some time now but, would you marry me?" He asked pulling out and opening a box reviling a silver ring.
Tears started filling my eyes and I was lost for words ever though I figured one of us was going to propose today.
"Yes, of course, oh my gosh" I stammered. The world felt like nothing could go wrong, I didn't have care in the world except for the fact that Wade was now my fiancé. Wade took my had gently and slide the ring on before standing and dusting the thin layer of snow off his pants. I took the second to admire the silver ring; it was simple looking but apon closer inspection I noticed small divides resembling a spiders web. I smile and pulled Wade into a passionate kiss. We pulled apart when we both ran out of breath.
"I have a something for you Wade" I said, a grin still plastered on my face. Wade cocked his head to the side slightly confused as I pulled a box out of my pocket. I opened it and revealed the ring I got him. "You kinda stole my thunder and my plan" I amited.
"Peter, it's wonderful" he said smiling.
"Just wait it gets better" I said slipping the ring out and onto his finger. "Press one of the garnets casings away from us." He did as he was told and a small blade come out.  "Figured  if you where ever in a jam you could us that"
"Peter I loved it ever before the blade" he said before kissing me. The snow keep falling but neither of us cared, we where too filled with bliss and happiness to care about the cold or what the future would hold.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I'm pretty much crying. This chapter is so bitter sweet to me. I love this story to pieces and I love you guys the readers so much for taking the time to read this. I really wanted to do a nice authors note to end this off but I'm just shocked I guess at the fact that this story is done, for now at least.
One thing I need to add.

This is Wade's ring (aka my grad ring, so creative I know) I'm going to take a better picture in the morning because well now you guys now two of my pillow cases

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This is Wade's ring (aka my grad ring, so creative I know) I'm going to take a better picture in the morning because well now you guys now two of my pillow cases.
The last thing I want you guys to do is to go to the questions part 2 chapter and try to answer at least on of them for me since it will help with the sequal (inner fan girl screaming).
And the last thing is I'll post a chapter for when you guys can expect the sequal, it will take some time because I have a bit of research and and idea planning to do, plus I'm going to try to design it like how I like books (prologue, part one, part two you get the point).
And I'm rambling because I don't want this to end but all things must come to a close.

I love you guys so much
Thank you for reading this.
I hope you have a good day/night

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