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~Wade's P.O.V.~

Steve got Red to sit on a stool while Tony handcuffed her to the structural colume beside her.
"You got one chance at explaining why you need help" Peter said, his voice was calm but his body was tense with anger as he kept clenching and unclenching his hands. Tony had an arm of one of his suits on, charged up, and pointing at Red. Steve was just giving her a disappointed looked. And I was sitting on the desk rubbing cirlces on Peter's back trying to calm him down.

"My experiment kinda got out of control" she mumbled.

"What kind of experiment? Creating more people who can't die!" Peter shouted.

Red sighed. "Peter what I did to you was for your own good, and I'm talking about a different experiment"

Peter opened his mouth to say something again but Steve cut him off with a glare.

"What where you working on?" Steve asked.

"A way to reanimate dead bodies back to life, but it kinda backfired..."

"What do you mean it backfired?" Tony said raising an eyebrow.

"I may have created zombie like creatures and they May have gotten out of my lab and are now recking havoch on the city" she mutter looking ashamed of her self.

"Well how do we stop them?" I asked pushing myself off the desk

"Stabbing them in the heart then removing the head." She said causally. Peter wince slightly at the mention of decapatation.

"And you've tested this before?"

"Yes, they get unrulely easily plus they've tried attacking me so I needed a way to stop them" she said shrugging.

"How did they get out?" Tony asked.

"I'm not to sure myself, I went down stairs to check on them and they where gone."

"How do you know they got into the city?"

"Oh you know people screaming in terror and I wasn't the dirict cause of it"

Steve of course rolled his eyes at his child hood friend "hey not everyone is scared of you scarlet" he said.

She sighed "to bad for you that I cracked"

They stared sadly at each other for a couple moments

"Uh guys hate to break your moment but zombies in the city that need to be decapitated, we kinda have to stop them or is that not what you avengers do?" I mentioned moving over to the window only to spot a women being chased by a very dissevaled and obviously dead man (well I'm assuming he's dead since flesh was melting off his arms but who knows). "And soon"

"Do we have to kill them though?" Peter asked knowing the answear.

"I'm going to guess that I'm going to be stuck with some one so you can web them up and I'll kill them for ya." Red said cheerfully. Peter gave her a weary look.

"How can I trust you though, you killed me then took death away from me."

"Hey you said it there, I can't kill you because you can't die"

Peter looked at Steve "I'd rather not be paired with her but you know her better then anyone else and I'll trust your opinion" he said through partially gritted teeth.

"In this case and with your moral values I think it would work, plus if she gets out of hand you can web her up some where." Steve replied

"Fair enough" red said with for once and incoherent smile.

"I guess suit up then head out?"

"Yup" Tony said opening a desk draw and pulling out five intercoms " put these on so that we have a means of contact."

We each took one then suited up and went to the front entrance of stark towers.

"Ready?" Steve asked while Tony checked every ones intercoms.

"Ready" we said in unision.

"Alright let's head out"

Merry Christmas guys. This chapter is my christmas present to you guys and I hope you enjoyed and have a good christmas.

The book is still going to be on hold until I become less busy and when I start feeling like writing again. I just really wanted to put out a chapter on Christmas.

Love you guys
I hope you have a good day/night
Merry Christmas

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