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~Wade P.O.V.~

'Hey Peter I finished my job and I thought I would get us some chimichungas for us.' I typed up and sent to Peter. I slipped my phone into one of my many pockets then went back to the ally where I had stashed a pair of jeans and a hoodie, I slipped them on over my suit then peeled off my gloves and masked and stashed them in a pocket. I headed off to the nearest Mexican restaurant and waited in line every so often to see if Peter had replied yet. Thats weird he usably replies pretty quickly.

What if he's cheating on us? The yellow box mused.

He wouldn't do that so shut up stupid.

Well he could, besides Wade haven't you looked in a mirror, Peter can do so much better, of course the white box had to pitch in his two cents. the boxes talked about mine and Peter's relationship and how he was probably, no definitely, cheating on me with some one attractive and not an insane mercenary. I felt my breath catch in my throat as the voices deliberately tired to agitate me. Quickly I left the restaurant and ran home. I let my self into the backyard and frowned when I saw that the back door was gaping open.

"Peter?" I called out peering into the house while pulling out one of my guns. I walked in cautiously looking for signs of any disturbances. I walked into the kitchen noticing the note that I had left for Peter was on the counter rather then on the fridge where I left it.

So Peter probably saw my note I thought as I continued looking through the rest of the lower rooms.

He probably saw it and decided it was a good time to run away and leave you, he probably has left a dear john letter written some where.

"Oh shut the fuck up" I muttered deeming the lower floor clear. I headed up stairs and started checking all the rooms up there finishing wight he bed room. I spotted a piece of paper sitting on my dresser, I ran over to it praying that it wasn't a dear john note like the yellow box had said. I scanned through it glad it wasn't Peter breaking up with me but I wasn't as pleased to see Red's hand writing. I reread the letter making sure it made since to me.

'So Wade I kinda kidnapped your boyfriend, he's in rough shape so can you pick him up at your old apartment. PS I had Steve also but he's now in your guy's closet. K thanks - Red.' Anger filled me, how the fuck could she harm my spider. I headed over to the closet knowing I would have to bring Peter to Tony and Bruce at Stark Tower. I opened the door and quickly ripped the duck tape off Steve's mouth.

"You ok Cap?" I asked as I quickly untied him.

"Pretty much, I'm more so worried about Peter." Steve said rubbing his wrists where the ropes where bound the tightest. I handed Steve the letter Red wrote. "Can you get Tony and Bruce over to my old place in case Peter needs medical stuff?" I asked.

"Of course"

"Thanks" I gave Steve the address then ran out of the house and to y old place.

Being with Red all day he's probably dead or dyeing. its a shame though, we actually liked him.

"Shut up he's not going to be dead!" I cried out at the voices as I ran up the fire escape to get into the apartment quicker. I opened the window and climbed through and imminently was hit with the smell of blood. Looking around I spotted a trail of blood leading from the front door into the bed room. I rushed over to the door and pushed it open then took a breath to prepare my self for what ever I would find. I walked in and immediately rushed to the bed the second I spotted Peter's form on the bed. I broke down into tears when I saw the stat he was in. I couldn't look at him mangled body anymore then I already had, I wrapped him up in the blanket that was on the bed then sat there holding his motionless body waiting for Steve, Tony, and Bruse to arrive. The three of them rushed in shortly after I succumbed to the tears that had threatened to over take me since I had read the note. Tony sat down beside me and took Peter's pulse while frowning.

"Wade, Peter's worse then what Steve and the note said." he said getting up and moving my spider out of my arms and into his then headed out of the room with Bruce following. I covered my face with my hands and looked down at the ground feeling terrible that Peter had gotten so badly hurt. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, I looked up and frowned at Steve.

"Come on Wade, Tony and Bruce will save him." Steve reassured helping me off the bed and walked with me down stairs and into the van they brought. Steve hopped in the drivers seat as I went and sat in the back watching Bruce and Tony try to start Peter's heart. I reached into my hoodie's pocket and pulled out the black box that was in it. I opened the box and looked at the ring I got back thins morning form the engravers. I pulled it out and studied it to take my mind off of the fact the love of my like probably wouldn't survive. I spun the silver ring between my fingers feeling the spider web pattern I got engraved on the outside, i looked at the engraving on the inside of the ring praying that Peter would be able to see 'Forever your's - Wade' etched into it. The tears started flowing freely then.

"Wade, I promise that I will make sure Peter lives. I know how much it means to have some one who can keep you stable." Bruce said causing me to look up. "Because of Clint the other guy only shows up when ever Clint is in danger. and I know that Peter stops what ever goes on in your head since you don't mutter random stuff around him." He said giving me a knowing look, I gave him a sheepish/sad smile in return. We peeled into a garage in the tower, Tony and Bruce hopped out caring Peter and quickly rushed to an elevator. I went back to looking at the ring.

He probably did this to him self so he wouldn't have to deal with us, i'm surprised more people haven't tried to commit suicide because of us. The yellow box sneered but I just ignored him and focused on the ring. Once again I felt a hand only shoulder that caused me once again to look up.

"Come on, i'll take you to the lab so you can be with Peter." Steve said as he squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. I nodded and got out of the van and followed Steve into the elevator. We stood in silence as it quickly went up to a lab Peter had never showed me. I twisted the ring in my fingers as I followed Steve into a waiting room. "Tony wanted a place for hero's to get medical help without risking their secret identities being exposed so he converted this floor to a medical centre." Steve said sitting beside me with that smile he got when ever he talked about the man of his dreams. We sat in an uneasy silence for several hours until Tony and Bruce came out and headed over to us. I braced myself for the worse news before they spoke.

"Peter's ok, he's asleep right now but he's alive and well but I want to run some tests on him when he wakes up." Bruce said causing me to jump up and pull him into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much!" I cried letting him go then hugging Tony. "Can I seen him?" I asked.

"He;s your boyfriend, why would I stop you?" Tony said. I smiled and hugged him once again then headed into the room the scientists came out of. I pulled a chair over to beside Peter's bed and geld his hand. I looked down at his face and smiled slightly seeing that his weaker healing factor was kicking in.

"Peter I'm sorry I got you into this mess."I muttered bringing his hand up to my lips and kissing it. I placed his hand back down on the bed but I kept holding it. I sat and watched as he slept and healed, eventually after a few hours I brushes a few strands of stray hair off of his forehead causing his eyes to open sleepily.

"Wade?" He muttered looking slightly confused.

"Hey Peter." I said smiling. He looked around and furrowed his brows.

"How did I get here? I was in Red's basement a minute ago." He said bringing his gaze back to mine.

"Red left me a note to where you were so I brought you back here to Stark tower." I said leaving out details until he was completely healed. He nodded his head slightly in understanding.

"I had a weird dream." He said gripping my hand.

"Of what?"

" I was having a tea party with Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Death. I tried to leave multiple times on my own or with my aunt and uncle but Death would never let me leave." He muttered as he closed his eyes again. My heart skipped as soon as I put what he said together, Peter had died and Death had prevented him from moving on into the after life for me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N yes peter is alive and again. The song that is link kinda inspired this chapter just because I wasn't to sure about what should happen but the song kinda dictated that Wade's voices where going to bash his and Peter's relationship.

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