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~ Wade's P.O.V. ~

Several days had passed since Red's mini zombie out break and things where getting back to normal. Tony and Steve (after much convincing) allowed us to go back to living in our house, except we where still spending most of the day at stark tower so Peter could try to help Red stabilize or something. Science isn't my forte, slicing is. Peter, Tony and Red (or since currently she isn't being all villainess should probaly be called her actual name scarlet) while Steve and me where sitting on one of the mostly clear table tops. He was sketching something while I was cleaning my katanas because zombie blood stains. While we had been fighting the zombies I had noticed that their blood dried quickly and that their blood had been somewhat of a green ish color especially when dried but of course I filed the information away until the color of regular dried blood stared at me from between the layers of sickly green.Steve looked over at my blade the same time I looked up hoping this didn't mean what I thought it did.
"Wade please tell me you stopped cleaning because we noticed the same thing?" Steve asked placing his sketch book down.
"Yup" I replied before we both hoped down and rushed over to where the others where. "Guys we may have a slight problem"
"How so?" Tony asked studying a brain scan, Peter turned to look. His eyes grew wider when he saw the layer of red under a layer a green.
"We missed one zombie, I'm sorry" I said looking down.
"Hey it's not your fault Hun" Peter said lift my head up gently "it's happens, we'll sort it out"
"But an innocent died because of me and I know you guys hate that."
"Collateral damage happens some times Wade" Tony added in causally while Peter just looked at me with slightly sad hazel eyes.
"I'm sorry for that person but I still love you" Peter said before leaning in to kiss me.
I kissed him back. "I'll make it up to you" I said softly against his lips before pulling away.
He smiled slightly. "Wade you've grown a lot and I trust that you don't kill anymore unless need be, and if that's not true then just let me live in my happy world up where you don't kill."
I chuckled softly and ruffled his brown hair "this is one of the reasons why I love you"
"Guys stop being mushy we got work to be doing to find and kill the remaining zombie" Tony said slightly smiling at us.
"Fine" Peter said before kissing me one last time the spinning his chair back to the holoboard he was working on. He pulled up a new one and ouch the old one behind. "Wade do you remeber what street you where on"
I rambled off the street street signs I had rembered passing then thought for a minute. "I went down a ways and ended up in an four way back ally and that's where I was more so un aliving them."
"Alright" Peter said as he typed in the addresses and search for the ally way. "Well dear your either in luck or out of luck, one of the corner houses had a servalence system.
"Jarvis can you hack into their system?" Tony asked his AI system.
"Right away sir" Jarvis replied causing codes to flash through Tonys holoboard.
I shoved my hands in my hoodies pocket while we waited and fiddled with the box I swear I burning a hole in my sweater and being a beacon of attention to it. I traced around the box with my thumb feeling the bump of the hinge of the back.
He'll say no to some one like you
Yeah why would anyone like you
Sure you've "improved" according to Peter but what if he's just trying to make you into a lap dog.
He doesn't love you, no one could
"Hey uhm Peter?" I asked ignoring the voices.
"Yeah?" He said turning to face me.
"Do you think we could resecdual our date night to tonight rather then this weekend?"
"Of course" he said smiling.

He's faking it
Why would he want you.

"White yellow shut up!" I muttered. I felt Peter place his hands on my checks.
"They being jerks?" He asked making me look at him.
" it's nothing new" I replied. He frowned.
"You know I worry when you don't tell me things Wade"
" I know, I know I'm just stressed about you know the whole zombie thing" I lied.
"Hey it's ok, well get it," he said gently caressing my check.
"Guys Tony said enough mushiness, Jarvis said it's going to take a while so go out on your date" Steve said giving me a knowing smile.

"Will do cap" I saluted before grabbing mine and Peter's coats from the table we discarded them, I helped Peter into his. "Let us know when Jarvis finds something" I said as we left the tower hand in hand. My stomach in knots and the return of condescending voices.

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