first day of junior year..

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Leafys P.O.V

I got up by the sound of my alarm clock. SHIT! I was going to be late! I quickly went to go take a shower, then brushed my teeth like usual. I didn't have much up I just put my hair into a messy bun, and just threw over a green turtle neck, sweater and my white shoes. I grab my backpack and ran out the door. My mom, wasn't home since she was always busy with her business job she was a ceo.. so I never really see her a lot. I got my car started and was waiting it for it to warm up. I drove to school and saw no one outside I check the time. aaaahhhhhhh I was late!.

I quickly ran to my class room and open the door and everyone was watching me, oh god...and he was here too..firey..

I look at the teacher, she just took me to sit down kinda angrily. She pointed to my desk I walked hearing giggled around me, great just a great day to start off school..... I sat on my desk and felt a pencil, poking me shoulder. "H-hey can you stop- oh!" It was gelatin, I was actually happy "hey leafster, I didn't know you were in the class!~" I giggled. Me and him were talking then I heard my name... "hey look! It's the whore!" I quickly turn around to see who, said that. It was firey, I felt kinda hurt but I was used to it. He, mainly only got popular because his parents were rich too she was kinda famous for selling stuff three everyone in our school loves him. It was very annoying to me but I brush it off to the side.

Later me and gelatin, were walking to our lockers when out if no where lollipop and teardrop, came behind me and hugged me. "H-hey guys!" I smiled said I said that lollipop, has always been on my side unlike Coiny and pin, who ditch me for following firey popularity and to keep their reputation, clean because of me. So if you don't know basically almost half of the school hates me, because of some rumors about me, which I don't wanna get into detail but they were pretty... me and my gang teardrop lollipop, and gelatin were called the have cots since we basically were cast outs. Except for lollipop and gelatin, they were kinda more popular then me and teardrop, teardrop didn't talk at all but we were still friends lollipop, was one of the most awesome and sweet people to meet ever in my life! And gelatin would make jokes a lot! They were funny as hell! But I did like him a lot but I didn't tell him, yet since I didn't wanna ruined our friendship.

Later we all sat at out lunch table eating. I got myself a burger and a drink I was walking back firm getting my food until someone tripped me. I fell and got my shirt all stain and gross! I looked it was firey, laughing at me and other losers, that was their team name. I felt so embarrassed! I wanted to cry...but I knew if I did..he would win. Gelatin, ran over to me giving me his coat to pit over me. Firey, got up and walked to me. I was scared "awww leafy needs help!? Hey! Everyone! Leafy, just had a oops fell!" Everyone laughed at me! I then run away from everything. And went it the girls, bathroom. I took my shirt off I still had gelatins, coat I put it over me and zipped it it was kinda big. But it would matter..

Lollipop P.O.V

Gosh...I felt really bad for leafy! She didn't even do anything! I got up as well to see what was going on. Gelatin and firey, were both yelling at each other. I quickly pulled gelly away from firey, and walked away. "Thanks lolli...I just some she's ok.." gelatin, said as in a sad tone. I didn't know what to say, I then saw leafy, walking back to our table she, puts her head down and sighs. "Hey leafy.." I tap her shoulder, "what's up lolli.." she look kinda sad. "Remember leafy, don't let firey, get to you he's a low some nobody!..just like everyone,else on the losers! Team," I told her that. She looked more happier "heh...thanks!" Leafy gave out a happy vibe to all of us.

Firey P.O.V

I have to say..that fall with leafy, falling and getting that food all out over her, was unbearable to laugh at! Don't get me wrong! She's is a pretty girl and knows what she can do with it..but she's also very stupid and a whore, she, had a chance of popularity like me! But he nobody cares about her except fore those have cots! Whatever! You call them idc... I turn to Coiny and pin, who were making out.. gross loser and cake were eating food. While needle eggy and clock, were taking selfie's together. Needle was doing her makeup. No surprise there, I then look at leafys, table and saw her walking back FYI her table. She got hugs fro lollipop teardrop and gelatin, idk but whenever she was around him, I felt jealous for some reason. I didn't like her! But I didn't want her to be with him.

Me and the losers, were walking down the hallway. People were in love with me! Especially the girls. But I have no interest in them. I saw leafy and gelatin at their lockers talking, I had a idea. I ran up to leafy, and pushed the stuff out of her, hands! "Ha! What are you doing to cry!?" I yelled at her. Leafy shakers having tears in her eyes, she went to gelatin for support. Does this whore really think he's tough to stand up to me!? He looked like a kitty compared to me. Gelatin pushed me away hard, I fell everyone gasp. Leafy also gasp she hugged him tightly gelatin, looked at me dead in the eye and walk away grabbing her things, that little whore...

Gelatin P.O.V

Yeah I pushed him, so big deal he got what was coming for messing with leafy, she was kinda silent but smiled "thanks gelatin," she smiled and blushed. I blushed also back "n-no problem leafy!" We went to our final classes and came back at the end of the day I waited for leafy to return, she ran to me and held my hand "come on! Silly!" She said laughing in joy I chuckled as we walk to her car. Leafy would take me home since my parents, were always at work like leafys, but leafy only had her mom but no dad.. I did feel bad for her. She was a kinda rich because of her mom, was a ceo. My parents were rich too but I didn't care about Money. All I cared about was leafy, and my friends and parents. Leafy drop me off at my house, "well ya leafster!" I said giving her a hug and waved to her bye and went inside.

Leafy P.O.V

Today was kinda bad but not! Yeah what firey, I'm used to did a lot calling me that name I didn't like at all did hurt me though...but! I won't let him bring me down. I drive in my driveway, and got out my mom was still surprise I went inside and locked the door. I was tried as hell! Today was something. I took oof my clothes and o just put my shorts on with a lot T-shirt and got in bed. I yawn and fell asleep

Today was something but I guess it's but the beginning to this year...

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