He came over..

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Leafy P.O.V

I was getting my stuff for school, then I saw her my mom. She came opening the door, "Mom!" I said finally getting to see her. She looked very tried, "not now leafy...I'm going to bed you have school go," she walked past me, I was upset I haven't seen her in two! Days, I went upstairs and went to change. I just put a skirt and my high knee socks, with a long sleeve shirt. I let my hair down for today. I walked down grab my keys then saw gelatin, "hey gelly boi!" I walked to him. "Sup leafy we ready, to go?" I nodded and grab his hand,

I was blushing while he was holding mine back, we then both got into the car, And leafy drove to school. It was cold outside, but I like it, we both got out of my car and walk into the school, I held onto gelatins arm, I was super warm holding it! Gelatin and I got to our lockers and open them. But when I opened mine, there was photos of me from that fall,  from yesterday! "OMG!" I yelled walking back, gelatin was confused and saw "oh gosh!" He quickly picked them up, and then threw them away at the trash bin. "It was firey! I know it!" I sighed, gelatin hugged me "hey don't let him get to you!..your a good person, leafy! Remember that!" When Gelatin said that I blushed,  even more! "Heh..thanks gelatin!". We both heard the bell ring.

"Oh I got to go see ya gelatin!" I waved back at him. He waved back and left, I ran down to my class for PE, I walked in the girls changing room,  every girl looked at me as I walked by, I put down my bag and got changed. I saw lollipop and teardrop they were ready, I walked to them and talk as we were walking into the gym. I looked around then saw firey and his gang, with Coiny pin and needle. I rubbed my shoulder I was a bit nervous for today...since we had to do a project with someone we don't know..Later my name got called for the project, then I heard it....firey! "W-what!?" I yelled. Firey looked at me with a disgusting look, I was scared so much. So the project was taking care of each other and see if we could took take care for a egg, it was a chick egg. It was a odd project but it wasn't hard for me, it was going to be hard because he was my partner..

Me and firey didn't looked at each other I took the egg, later it was the end of the school day, firey and I had to go to my house to take care of the egg. The only problem what's gelatin going to think of this..

I sat and saw firey walking up to me, I was shaking so badly my anxiety was kicking in me. Firey looked at me so angrily "let's go!" He said in a rude tone, "h-hold..on I have to wait for gelatin!" I said back. He walked up to me, I hit the lockers. "I do not give a fuck leafy!" Firey was cut off by gelatin.  Gelatin grab my hand "uh leafy what's going on?" He asked me.

"I-I have a school project with him.." I sighed gelatin looked at him, and looked back at me . "Okay let's go then.." I held his arm again, firey walk behind us. We got into my car, and then I turn it on. I drop gelatin at his house, "thanks leaf I owe you! Some time!" He said giggling. "No prob bob!" I said smiling. After gelatin got drop off, I was only with firey in my car. I didn't say a word to him he was on his phone, I pulled in and got out, "come on firey.." I groan saying his name. Firey didn't care he just got out, of my car.

We both got in my home, I knew my mom was gone again "so uh? Do you want anything?" I said "no" firey just walked to my room.. wait shIt I forgot my room was a mess! With all my clothes and makeup, on the floor. I stop him and open my room. Wow...it was actually clean I guess my mom did it..aww. "You have a problem!." Firey huffed at me "oh shut up firey!" I rolled my eyes at him.

I sat on my bed and out the egg on a pillow, "so! Firey if your gonna be in my home! You need to help me watch this Egg!" I demand it. Firey glares at me. I felt kinda uncomfortable by it. I looked around he just didn't even look or talk to me! How rude! I crawled and grab his phone, "Firey! Pay attention!" I yelled. Firey got angry and grab my  hands. It kinda was painful! "Don't you EVER TOUCH My phone!" I was  shaking by him..

Firey P.O.V

I didn't even wanna be here! Leafy was trying to talk to ME, she grabbed my phone what got me very angry with her. I grabbed her hands and yelled at her "Don't you EVER TOUCH My phone!" She was shaking. I got up and grab my phone, "I'm leaving this sucks!" I said while walking to her door, leafy got behind me and grab my arm "NO! Firey! We have to stay! For the project if we wanna get, good grades!" I was pulling back at her but then I slipped. I fell on the floor my head was hurting me. Leafy gasp "F-firey!? Are you okay!?" She got to her knees and check on me. I shook my head and saw leafy on me. "Leafy get off me!" I was blushing hard, leafy sigh "n-no! You need this!" Leafy said and hugged me. I was shocked at this blushing harder. "L-leafy plz..." I sighed, she then smiled at me "look firey! I know you have been mean to me and have dine thing I didn't like..but I forgive so I'm asking...if you wanna be friends!" Leafy said in a joyful way. I didn't know what to say my reputation would be ruined, "f-fine...but in secret! Don't tell anyone about this!" I said leafy nodded "of course firey! Anything, for you! I keep my word!" Leafy said until hugging me again "uhh leafy you can stop" I said "o-oh heh sorry!" Me and her heard the door open... we looked it was a women.

leafy P.O.V

Ahhhhhhh- my mom was home, still!? I quickly got up after hugging firey! "M-Mom! I-I this is just a boy! For my project!" She looked mad and grab firey by his hoodie and took him out the door. I ran down and saw my mom kinda yelling at him. I giggled at this sense. I walked to the door "so did I say anything?" I told him, "no?.." firey said I looked around and gave him one more hug "thanks for coming firey!" I hugged him tightly. I felt his arms around me, I blushed and looked at him. He also looked back, at me. We stayed like this for about two minutes. "O-oh sorry firey!" I let go of our hug. Firey looked "I-it's fine I guess.." I forgot I took him here! "W-wait firey! Want me to take you home?" I asked "s-sure leafy.." firey said being kinda quite.

Well I guess we are friends again! For now.....

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