My first fight part two

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Gelatin P.O.V

"Leaf...leafy!.." I was crying the losers were confused I step back watching her blood...flowing out if the bathroom, walk up and look and froze I didn't have mega for her to die like this! I quickly ran to her and picked her up I tried to find where the bleed was but looking at it I couldn't see anything myself was also covered in her blood...

I grab my phone to cal 911 I to,d them my friend was a junior high school student green hair have long medium hair and has a sweater with a turtle neck "her name is leafy green wood!" I said shaking..."please hurry!! I don't want her to die!" I held her close trying she was breathing but barely. I carried her out of the bathroom, pin loser cake Coiny clock eggy needle and firey were all shocked and scared seeing leafy in pain...I looked at them and saw lollipop and teardrop coming to "hey gelatin we saw-" lollipop was shocked by leafy, "I-is she okay!? What happen!?" Lollipop was about to cry. Teardrop who didn't talk was already craning hard holding onto lollipop.. "I-I think she cut herself there a deep cut but I-I couldn't fine it...." I stared to sobbing holding her close to me...

Firey P.O.Vm

This..this couldn't be real..last night, we were so happy...and now she about to die I looked at pin this was all her!! I wanted to hurt her so bad for hurting leafy! But I couldn't since I was in the losers...I don't think I even wanna be in this team..after seeing, leafy like this.. lunch was over and people were going back to class, until they saw gelatin holding leafy...they were both covered in blood mainly. I saw teachers to step back as the ambulance came to picked up leafy and gelatin so he would stay with her...I should've have gone... everyone was shocked this whole day..I went home and slam, my door crying very loud..missing her already even thought we just become friends last week!

*passed to 6 weeks later*

Idk I felt miserable I didn't even go to school after with leafy I was sad so much missing her and crying every time I wanted to see her so badly..I got a call from,The hospital. They told me I was able to see her she would just be sleeping most of the time.

Her wound was very deep as she made it she tried to kill her self where the point it almost did kill her..I'm just happy that it didn't happen..I wanted to hold her..I got to the hospital, it was about 30 min from my house, I walked in and went to check in, with a nurse. They told me leafy was up stairs and room 119.

I walked to her room before I opened the door, I sighed and walked in...leafy was sleeping in her hospital bed, I walked over and sat next to her. I wanted to cry badly but I had to hold it in... leafy begin to wake up. She yawn and looked at me.. "F-firey?.." she sat up she wasn't allowed to sit yet "leafy! Y-you gotta lay backdown you can't get up yet.." I placed her back to lay down.

We talk for a few minutes but leafy sighed "f-firey... are you and needle together?" She asked, "what! No leafy I don't like her the only reason she kissed me because they found out about what happen....and the hickeys but I don't like her..." I chuckled as I laid down next to leafy.

Leafy giggled so softly "w-well I guess I may have been a bit jealous!.." she blushed while looked it down I yawn as she did too "f-firey?.." "yea leafy?" She went closer to my face and kissed my lips...I blushed as I kissed back it was just a normal on she fell asleep very fast I blushed and peck her forehead as I got up "I love you too...." said while leaving the place

Leafy P.O.V

My body was very numb but when firey came my body felt lightheaded and fuzzy inside I didn't know what this feeling was but it felt to much better then being on medicine for my body to keep me alive I can't wait to leave this place,

I kissed him and I meant it, and heard him say I love you that made me feel very very happy. I guess my heart is mg for firey....

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