Thr first kiss..💚🧡

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Leafy P.O.V

He took me to his house, it was very bug "wow firey thus house looks so beautiful!" I said with joy. "Yeah it's something I guess.." firey says and pulling in the driveway, we both got out. "Now leafy do not say anything about us being friends! or whatever got it!?" Firey said I nodded "okay.."

We went in.

I looked around the place it was so white and shiny inside! I was so amazed by this place, firey took my hand and took me in his room, I looked around his room I saw a picture with me and him "firey I thought you hated me or something?" I say has I picked up his picture. "Uhhh.. I did not now" firey was in his laptop doing something, I sat next to him and looked what he was doing. He was looking at a girl from his group in the photo.

"Aww~ firey got a crush on a girl!" I yelled, firey blushed hard "N-no I didn't she's just a friend!" Firey screams back getting embarrassed by me. "Ohhh sure it IS firey don't lie I know Whalen you like someone trust me I seen it before!" I keep laughing until I looked at him.

"Firey?" I tap his shoulder "what leafy?" Firey asked, "oh i just thought if you were okay or not just checking" I then laid in his bed not going what to do. Firey puts his laptop away and yawn.

I think he was tried he also laid down I giggled "heh I guess we are both tried!" I looked firey went close to and held me I actually liked this...

We both fell asleep.

Firey P.O.V

I pretended to be sleepy so I could held  her and maybe do a little more then hold her ((not like that!-)) I was awake when I saw her asleep I lift her chin and blushed, I slowly went to her lips. She was breathing slowly. Maybe I should wait but it's hard I wanted to be with her. Wait why was I just feel like this since that day he hugged me....I did miss her I only did those things so I wouldn't be hate..

Leafy kinda woke "f-firey..." I kissed her she went into shocked.

Leafy P.O.V 

I woke up by firey I blink a few times before I felt his lips on mine! I was shocked by this "f-firey w-what doing?" He  looked at me and pin me to his bed, I didn't know what to do "leafy you're cute..." he giggled what he okay!? He kissed me again.

*warning mild lemom*

I felt his tongue in my mouth with mine, I don't know what was happening I melted into this kissed and kissed back. I guess he finally snap out if it after a minute or two, let's just say I kinda like it...

Firey and I were kinda panting from the kiss trying to breathe, "l-leafy if gosh I'm so sorry!" Firey got off of me and puts his face into a pillow. I smiled "I-it's fine firey it's no big deal!"

I told him it was fine.

((I want to CRY I'm sorry 😭))

Firey P.O.V

Fucked! I messsed up! I didn't know what has been in my mind, leafy didn't even mind it odd. I slowly look at her, "l-let's forget what happen alright!" I said "okay that's ok!" We later both fell asleep again hugging each other.

*The next day*

"L-leafy I think we have school today..." I said waking up I didn't feel her I looked around for leafy "leafy!?" I got worried then saw her come in her normal outfit. "I'm already ready silly! You gotta get up we gotta be at school less then a hours" I quickly went to get ready for school and took leafy back to her house, we got to her house and she smiled "thanks for the ride firey see you soon!" Leafy hugged me and got out.

I saw her getting in her car waiting for GELATIN of course!

I drove to school

Leafy P.O.V

For some reason i couldn't stop thinking about that kissed we had yesterday later we both fell asleep I forgot why I went over there. I waited for gelatin I saw him walking "sup!" I said, "hey leafy!" Gelatin got in the car,

We both went to school.

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