Realxing day!💫✨

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Leafy P.O.V
After I took firey home, I was home later that night looking at the time. It was around 12am I went to take a shower, it was pretty relaxing. Later I got out and went to get changed and out my hair up, I was pretty hungry so I went down to my kitchen and went to eat. I then heard a noise at the front door! I quickly grab a knife my mom was gone, I slowly check the window to see who it was. It was gelatin! I open the door "g-gelatin what are you doing here?" I asked kinda being sleepy. Gelatin sigh, "I came to see if you were ok if firey hurt you or something!" He was worried about me. "Hehe no! Gelatin nothing happen everything went normal!" I said bringing him in. We went in my room and sat on the bed, "so how did it went with firey?" Gelatin was concerned.

"Nothing really happened he was just in his phone the whole time but I just watched the egg" I said. Gelatin looked around "get dress I wanna take you some beautiful!" Gelatin said getting up, "what why? Don't we have school?" I say he said no. I forgot there was no school since it was a Saturday, me and gelatin went to a hill by my house, it was a night with stars! "Wow gelatin this is super nice!" I say hugged behind him gelatin picked me up and held me against his chest. Then placed me down and sat on the grass, I looked around I yawn as I was sitting on his lap, I was getting tried and fell asleep.

Gelatin P.O.V

It was so cute when she was asleep, I carried her home, and put her in her bed. I held her close to me as I both fell asleep. Later morning I woke up leafy and snuggling me I blued and giggled, "h-hey's time to get up" I said softly to her. Leafy yawn "no...five mire minutes gelly..." has she cuddled more. "Fine.." I chuckled.

*Five mins later*

I got up from leafy holding me, and picked her up "okay it's time leafster!" I said in a joyful way! Leafy got down and yawn a bit "fine I'm gonna go take a shower, I will be back in a bit gelatin" leafy grab her clothes she wanted and went to her shower.

I waited for her to get out of the shower, she got out after like 30 mins! Geez she takes forever to get ready. Leafy came back in looking beautiful very much, "wow! Leafy you..look great!" I got up. "Thanks I really like this light blue long sleeve dress you got me!" Leafy says while ho,ding into my arm, again, we walked both down stairs, I sat on the couch, while she went to make coffee for us both. "Here gelly Boi!" Leafy came and gave me the coffee she made, "why thank you leafy!" We both drank the coffee she made.

Leafy heard a knock on her door, "I will be right back!" She wait to go open it.

Leafy P.O.V

I went to the door and open it, "oh firey Hey!" He was in front of my door. I saw his car outside by my house, wow he's rich! "H-hey leafy I wanna see if you wanted to come over to my place?" Firey said. "O-oh of course but there just one thing, gelatin here right now but you can come in?" Firey looked at gelatin with a shocked look, "fine.." firey came in and sat kinda far from gelatin. Gelatin "uh leafy why is he here?" Gelatin say as he got up and walk, up to me. "Oh he wanted me to come over to his place but he's gonna hang with us for a while!" I say while sitting down next to firey. Gelatin grab me and hugged me, I didn't mind it.

Firey's face was kinda mad but I didn't mind of it.

Firey P.O.V

Okay! Yes I was jealous of her and gelatin hugging each other! "So..gelatin how did you meet leafy?" Gelatin smirk at me "oh we met after you bullied her and harassed her last year" gelatin said. Leafy looked up at him.

Leafy kinda was upset if what he said, "uh gelatin I should be going you gotta get home before you're parents ask were you were last night!" She said kissing his cheek. Wtf!? Were they dating.. NO! They aren't..and I need to make sure for it..

Gelatin blushed hard "t-thx leafy bye!" Gelatin leafy the house, leaving me and leafy "so are you busying dating?" I was concerned about her and gelatin. "OH! N-no we just friends!" Leafy said while getting nervous.

"Ok ready to go leafy?" Leafy nodded we both left her house and went to mine.

((Kay I know this is short but I hope you enjoy this book!))

Also what firey and leafy look like look like I still have to make gelatin))

Also what firey and leafy look like look like I still have to make gelatin))

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