Going back to school

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Leafy P.O.V
It's been a week since me and firey last see each other but today I get to see him again since I was going back to school, but I was nervous about going back I haven't seen anyone really much and I haven't been in my on my new phone I got not too long ago since my old one was broke.

I drove to school feeling my guts hurt and breathing hard, I was very fucking scared I got out the car and walked into the school, grounds I gulp while trying to see firey I saw him and walk up to him there was this girl who came before me...I never seen her before.

I walked up to them "h-hey firey!" I didn't the girl one bit. Firey turn "oh hey leafy I wanted you to meet my friend puffball!" She looked like slut! Gorss! "Uhh hi?" I rolled my eyes she looked angry at me I wanted to laugh at this clown.

Puffball didn't speaks "and? Who are you?" She asked "oh I'm leafy! Firey most lovable best fiends! Ever!" I hugged firey arm.

She was pissed! Ha! The bell ring, we had classes I then I wanted to make her leave.."bye firey~" I giggled and peck his cheek running off. I blushed so much.

Firey P.O.V

D-did leafy just kissed me!?..wow...she's so cute...

"Uhh anyway puffball I'm gonna go to class see you at lunch!" She smiled and walked off while I went to class, I walk in to see leafy in my class? "Leafy what are you doing here?" Leafy turn "oh I changed classes you know to be with you more!" I pulled her hair behind her ear, "ah Kay!" We both sat by each other. The bell rang had we parted ways. Gosh I couldn't stop looking at her.

Leafy P.O.V

I walked down the hall feeling someone watching me again...I felt sick to my stomach them I kinda skip ran to my class, until felt.. a hand grab me and pulled me in a closet by the gym.

I was pinned to the wall "w-what the!?- g-gelatin!?" I was freak by this. "Why were you with him leafy!" Gelatin yelled at me, "what am I not allowed to be friends with him!?" I pushed him off me.

"Leafy he's using you! He's going to hurt you again! I wanted to see you badly but no! You were with firey all this fucking time!!" He keeps screaming me I was crying and being scared.

((Very little  nsfw?))

Gelatin smirked at me "you know your hot right?~" gelatin got closer "w-what!? You mean..." I was shivering was was happening to him!... he grab me and bit my neck. I was shaking badly.

He then suck my neck "ah...gelatin plz stop!" It hurt me but it felt good but I didn't wanna feel like this with him...then I felt him sucking harder on my neck "a-ah!~ gelatin STOP!!!" I screamed firey bang the door open, he punched gelatin away from me...

I wanted to cry baldy thank god I didn't get a hickey but I couldn't believe what he did...firey was yelling at gelatin "don't you ever touch leafy got it!?!" Firey yelled as grabbing my hand and walking me to my class together, I was shaking while walking, firey stop and lift my chin and looked upset "l-leafy are you alright?..." firey held me close to his chest.

"Y-yeah I don't..just why would he do that to me!..I t-trusted him..." I sob while firey sigh and hugged him "leafy just stay away from him...I don't want him doing that to you.." firey bend down to my level and peck my neck where gelatin sucked it.

I blushed "there all healed!" I made a small chuckle and hugged him once more "thanks firey" we both went to the gym..

Gelatin P.O.V

I-I thought that would be the answer for her to get with me.....I was wrong now.........

Leafy P.O.V

I walked in as pin saw me with a kinda regret looked I Smiled at her and waved, I walked and saw lollipop "h-hey lolli!" She turn, "oh my pop! Leafy you back!" She hugged me missing me a lot.

She was about to cry "I-I missed you!!" She was hugging me kinda too tight "it's okay lolli just. Be careful.." she let go "s-sorry!" We both got out, I didn't see teardrop for some reason? I saw firey walked out I grab lollipop hands and ran toward firey and his gang.

"Firey!" I went in his arms around me and jumped uo and down hugging him, he was looking looks at people I looked back and saw Coiny and loser super jealous how cute...

I held his hand while talking to him lollipop went to talk to taco and book. I didn't know book very well I heard meet her Sometime!

Our gym teacher seven told us to get in groups of four! Heh get it four- anyway I went with firey and saw Coiny amd pin in our team, I was kinda idk..

I just stayed close to firey.

*after gym*

It felt like we ran four hours....Next was math class...

*hours later*

It was end of the day I felt pretty good about myself coming back after almost three months me and firey were gonna go to losers party that he invited all of the school, to go to his party but it was next weekend.

Me and firey were going to his house, we got inside I saw his mother she looked so like firey  with flame hair like firey's and having a white dress on.

She thought I was his gf...I wish I was but I know I wouldn't...

Me amd firey went to go to his room, we were cuddling again except closer I yawn "ok we should get the bed firey we gif school tomorrow!" I said as I went into his changing room into my shirt and his big white he gave me to wear, it smelled like him!

I came back firey was just in his shirt and sweats, I got in bed with him he pulled my waist and held me, we cuddled and fell asleep

I loved this and him...maybe I will confess to him soon....

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