She is gone forever

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((Warning this story is kinda sad ))

Firey P.O.V

It's been over a month since I was feeling better before getting stab..but leafy she wasn't waking up at all I found out she has been in a coma and there was a very low chance she was nit coming back..I didn't believe what people were saying I was having hope she would will be all normal and we can carry with our lives together.

Her mother was thinking taken leafy off life support if she won't wake up by next week... she wanted her daughter to come back to her.

I get it my Mom was also sad about this since me and leafy were getting closer by these six months we been hanging her last accident was just 3 months ago and she had to go threw this again!

I went to the hospital to see her, she was in the bed this made me upset and guilt I had inside. I made her feel pain and hurt from me!.

I held her hand "hey leafy...I hope your feeling okay!...I just wanted to come and see you...I h-hope your coming back.." at this point I broke down seeing her not talking back.. she felt so cold by her hands like her body left her soul left her body...I kissed her lips they were cold too..I was shaking and crying I wanted her back..

I stayed there until it was time to leave.I grab my stuff and kissed her head time more time.

And went home.

It felt so cold in my room I had to use a heater I looked through our texts and how much pictures we took picture we even looked like a couple before we even got together...I wanted her..I'm my arms laying her head on my chest snuggling me.

Then I fell asleep crying..

I remember when leafy and I were in my before this we was looking through my pictures of us while I was watching tv, "hey firey I have a question?" I looked up as she sat on my lap I blushed. "How come you like me!?" She said in a joyful voice.

I smiled "a-as a friend or..more then that?"

She blushed very hard "a-as a friend silly!" She out her hand in my face.

"Well because your nice for one! And your super duper soft and your kinda sweet, and lovely the best friend I could every ask for..."

She hugged me and I hugged back it felt so good..

I woke up remembering it I was crying in my felt..I saw my phone ringing it was from the hospital...

Leafy P.O.V

I don't know we're I am it's so dark I been like this for a month my body was om only working machines making me only live threw them, I didn't like this..

I heard noises in the background I knew I would never wake up again but I could feel firey was here hearing him sobbing and kissing my lips and forehead I didn't want to feel pain anymore I just wanted to let go from this world and feel better...

And i was gone from my body..

Firey P.O.V

I got a school from the hospital....she was gone forever...I was screaming from in my room, and crying "FUCK!!!!!! Why!? SHE GONE!" I grab my phone and threw it the the wall screaming more.

My mom came in my room "f-firey what the hell!? Is going on!" She came to me seeing me looking like a mess.

I clam down "s-she's dead mom..." she gasp and hugged me close "I-I'm so sorry firey..." I hugged my mom closer I was sobbing in her shoulder.

After that one was a miserable week I haven't left my room or went to school I did self harm to myself wanted to die and feeling like there was no life with her..she was everything to me..and now I have no one...I also found out gelatin was dead from that night thus was he killed her..." I hugged my pillow

It had been two weeks since she has been dead. I was gonna go visit her bore she was going to be in a cast, the funeral was going to happen.

I walked into her room her body was looked so different she was skinny and not well...I couldn't take this...I was having a panic attack the doctors has to clam me down. After that I sat there for an hour. I got up and looked at her "you know leafy....I miss you amd love you with all my heart! Why did it had to end like this! It shouldn't have been you! I want you back leafy!!" I said crying my eyes were closed tightly I felt a hand I open to see her alive.......she was back... "l-leafy!! You're back!" I hugged her so close I was crying hard she looked the same again to me I let go she had her color back like before "h-how I thought you were gone forever!?"

Leafy giggled very weakly "idk how I gues I a, but I heard what you said I love you too firey a lot...

She both kissed amd I hugged her

This was a the best day she came back

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