Where am I?

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Leafy P.O.V

I woke up in a room I didn't know where I was it looked so dark and I looked on the bed I was sitting in with...this is his room..

I saw the door open and it was gelatin smiling at me..I looked down to see my tied to the frame bed and my both legs to also tight "what are you doing gelatin!?" I yelled at him.

He laughed "what I had to do leafy!I can't have you won him! He's hurt you how do you nit understand!?!" Gelatin had a big blade knife I got scared. "W-what are you doing gelatin! 5is is wrong!" I had tears in my eyes.

"Well first I'm gonna make sure firey stays away from you and then I will make you mine and maybe do more?~...." gelatin laughed

I couldn't believe this! Why! I didn't want gelatin to be like this he was acting like a person with no feelings....

Gelatin shut his door and turn the lights on the blinds were closed so no one can see he took the knife and cut the rope from my hands and pin them with his hand "g-gelatin that's hurts!" My hands were feeling numb and tight from the rope he tied me with.

Gelatin "who cares" he rolled his eyes and took the knife to my neck and took out his phone, and took a recording to firey to see. "Hey firey?~ look you're little girlfriend here if you don't come she will die!" He grab a gag and puts it in my mouth so I would scream I was crying at this point.

He stop the video and sent it to firey, he warp my hands back on the bed frame, then giggled.

"What's so Fucking Funny!" I asked gelatin, "who! He's going to die! I'm just planning to kill him and not you~ you know because I need you!~" I rolled my eyes I just wanted to get out of here....I hope firey doesn't see that video I have to find a way to leave.

Firey P.O.V

I just got home I got out of my car, when I got a text from my phone. I pulled to see a video with leafy tied up...I clicked it...I saw gelatin voice in the back ground, she was crying this can't a damn! Prank! I immediately called gelatin phone and he answered.

"Why hello firey!" Gelatin said over the phone. "What are you doing with her!? Let her go you psycho bitch!" I got in my car and drove to gelatin to save leafy.

"Oh all I did is hit her with a bat and tied her up! You have 10 minutes to save her or she's dead! Good bye firey!!" He hang up.

I quickly saw his house I grab a bat  from the the back if my car, and ran inside to find leafy.

Gelatin P.O.V

I heard firey come in my household, "I'll be back leafy!" I quick and grab a gun from my desk and went out to kill firey. I wasn't nervous about this leafy will stay! With me and firey won't be in the way.

I hid and saw firey I load up my gun, and try to pull the trigger the it didn't hit firey. Damn it- firey saw me and try's to hit me with a bat hit didn't work I grab him and hit him.

Firey fell he was kinda unconscious....perfect.

Firey hit me with hies bat and it hit me with my leg..."Ah! FUCK"

Firey kick me in the ball- and ran I fell it hurt like pain.

Firey P.O.V

Thank god I didn't get hurt I open the door and saw leafy..."leafy!" I ran to her and untied her she looked so happy to see me.

"Okay let's get out of here and get out of here-..." I looked at leafy and me we both were stab with a long fucking knife....

She went white pale and fell to the floor I fell with her holding her we were both hurt but she was faint with the blood dripping from her body "l-leafy!...fuck..." I was hurting from my stomach she was stab from her back, to her stomach.

I saw gelatin smiling with tears in his eyes "see!...you made me do this to her...Now both of you will die...." gelatin took his gun to his head.....and like that..he.was gone.

Leafy P.O.V

The pain won't stop..I can feel a talk in the background gelatin voice...I knew firey was holding me it felt...better being with him instead of dying alone in this dark home..I heard a gun shot from gelatin I couldn't even move or talk idk what was happening. Next thing I was not waking up....

Firey P.O.V

I grab my phone it hurts moving my body I called 911 and told them what had happened.
Later I faint and then next leafy was gone in my arms and we were taken to the hospital.I made it but I was worried for leafy she wouldn't wake up...

I didn't even feel like she was here....

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