Being with her💫✨ cringe

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Firey P.O.V.

I woke up around in the morning I got out of bed she was till sleeping, I went down stairs to work out in the gym part of my house, I put a tank tops and shorts on I went to work out.

It was around 2pm i was working out still I wasn't tried since I was used to this. Leafy came in yawning and looking at me blushing hard and almost a nose bleed. "F-firey!? If my gosh I'm so sorry!" I giggled "it's fine leafy hey you wanna go to the losers tonight? He's hosting a pool party for the losers!" I said as I was done working out.

"Yes! But uh my swimsuits are kinda small and revealing but I have got some new ones I bought last week!" Leafy held my hand and pecks it "that's for you for pecking me a lot!" She smiled and went out.

She's really is something..❤️ gosh I love her..

Leafy P.O..V
I walk out and felt super embarrassed by it I went back in upstairs and Kay down and went in my phone, I saw photos of me and gelatin in his page....what the..I click what I saw what she said about me.

(What gelatin said about leafy))

'Do not trust leafy she's SLUT! She's been sleeping with others guys and more stuff like that she tried to get me to be with her! I didn't want to be in a relationship with her, she's also a liar about her injuries she only wanted attention for her lover firey all these photos of me and her are fakes! Plz stay away from her she's a stinky bitch! Slut!'

After I was done reading that I couldn't help except sobbing theses were lies that he told me! And no he tried to harass me in the gym closet! I laid and cried in the pillow and firey came "ok leafy I'm done working- leafy what's wrong?" I looked at with red eyes and tears streaming down my face.

"I-I just thought of something! Nothing to worry about!" I smiled hoping he wouldn't suspect anything about gelatin.

"O-oh okay then.." firey went and changed his shirt into his sweater I walked up "hoodie firey!" I demanded he chucked "yes my queen~" he grab his hoodie, and put it in me and picked me up and jumping into the bed, us both flopping into his bed we both laughed and snuggled. I was in too on top of him.

I wanted to lean in for a kiss...I amd him almost did it until his phone went up.

"O-oh hold on leafy loser calling me!" Firey took the call amd was talking to loser over the phone, while was was blushing so hard again we a-almost went in again...damn it...

Firey got off the phone, "okay leafy let's get going over there loser got the pool party started!" Firey went to go changed into a shirt and got us towels for both of us, and took my hand to his car.

"Oh by the way firey I have to get I swimsuit so let's stop by my home Kay!" I said as we were getting into the car.

We stop by my house, and I went inside to see my mom home, "Where have you been leafy!?" I step back from her and got mad "why does it matter to you you're never home since you job! Is more important tomorrow then me!" I rolled my eyes and went to my room to grab my swimsuit.

We quickly left the house and got in firey's car, and head over to losers pool party.

Pin P.O.V

I was loving my bikini I was in yeah it was very revealing to see everything almost but it was for Coiny to get him to like me~

I sat by the pool and was talking eggy and just wears one piece all the time we go swimming idk why, then I saw leafy and firey come with her swimsuit underneath their clothes, not being a pervert you can see it.

Leafy looked pretty shy staying very close to firey, I saw needle she didn't looked very happy since her and firey used to date back in freshman year until him and leafy became friends. I went to go back to talke to eggy.

Leafy P.O.V

I was pretty excited but terrified I'm was so used to have covered up on me but I want to firey to noticed me by not thinking I'm all happy and smiling all the time! I need to push my game!

I took off my clothes basically showing everything on me I felt so uncomfortable but I did it....I didn't like this I was just wearing a light blue strapless top and high cut short bottoms.

Maybe I should saw the rating on this. I looked over to firey he kinda was looking try not too looked at me, I then sat next to firey and sat in his lap "hey firey!" I pit my hands in his cheeks "h-hey leafy!" Firey was nervous.

"Uhhh firey you ok?" Firey was getting more nervous and blushing harder I giggled and hugged him firey clam down and hugged back "I-I like to be with you firey..." fucked! I let go of him "I-I didn't mean it like that!" I was so embarrassed and blushing darker what I just said firey just looked like his soul if left his body.

We later went swimming I actually had a lot of him it was around 5pm when we got out, I was cold as shit and got my towel firey gave me, I walked in losers guest room I changed just into firey hoodie and just leggings firey knocked on the door and came in.

Firey sat in our bed we were stating the night "had a lot of fun leafy?" Firey liked me in closer "heh yeah a lot actually it was fun hanging with your friends!" I out my arms around him.

Our eyes connect like before I sat on his lap again and his stroke my hair "w-what are you doing. With my hair?" I rest my head in my chest "feeling it feels nice..." I heard that.

"Thanks firey!" He sat him again he lean in his I did the same but this time he kissed me felt so nice and melted and warm....I kissed back.

Them went in to kissing out session where I Laying on top of him still making out, "mmmmhh f-firey..What are we doing?..." I let go panting.

Firey pulled me back we still went in for it.

We were making out until needle came into our room

"H-hey firey can we!- talk...." neeedle looked heart broken and sad about this i and him snap of our kiss, and firey looked scared "n-needle!.." she was angrily....

But why

((Oh god this was so cringe I going to cry I'm a tiny box —))

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