My first fight..

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Leafy P.O.V

I went to class everyone was kinda looking at me..I guess that video I saw of me falling fall went viral but I didn't care. I yawn and I was kinda tired from everything but how did I get in bed, with him? No we weren't doing things! We were cuddling each other but I had to be careful because his hair was a flame.

I saw some girls giving me some mean looks I rolled my eyes and went to do my word. Later class was over and I went to lollipop who was by my locker, "hey leafy!" Lollipop walk up to me as we walked down the hall, together.

I noticed the girls were pin eggy and needle from the losers group I groan to this and started to walk faster. Me and lollipop talk until we both went to our other classes, I had to go wash my hands real quick I turn back and they were gone thank god.

I went into the bathroom, and Starr to wash my hands then walked out bumping into someone. lOSER!? Oh shit I'm dead now that was their team leader! "Oh gosh I'm so sorry loser!" I try to say sorry but he looked at me "it's no problem leafy!" He smiled at me as the sun was shining on him.

Loser "you're leafy right?" I nodded my head "yeah.!" I was kinda blushing not because I like because whe was Loser! The most richest kid and the 1st kid who is popular here firey was his friend. "Heh! You should come to my table! Today like join us leafy!" Loser grab my hands and held them "u-uhh sure! Could you just tell me when I can go over there?" I was very scared and nervous.

Loser nodded his head "of course leafy just meet me at the stairs," "got it!" Loser went to his class while I went to mine.

It felt like time was going slow instead going to my next class I went back to the bathroom and got my phone, out I was panting and walking around, WHY did I say yes everyone hates me there except I guess loser and firey! But me and firey have a secret friendship with him.

I stayed in there for a hour then it was lunch, I had to meet up with loser! I quickly ran to where we were gonna meet, "here loser!" I said walking now.

"Ah leafy there you are now come!" He giggled but in a kinda mean way odd. We both walked in the cafeteria "uh wait loser can you give me one second I gotta go tell my friends, that I won't be sitting my table, today" loser let me to go tell my friends I was sitting with the losers.

"Leafy!" Gelatin smiled and hugged me I huggged him back. "So please don't be mad gelly...but! Loser asked me if I wanted to sit with his group at their table just for today!" I said as gelatin teardrop and lollipop kinda looked worried.

Gelatin sigh "I'm not gonna force you to do anything but plz be careful especially around firey! Okay?" Gelatin peck my forehead, I blushed very read "thanks guys!" I walked but to loser he bled my hand over there since I was too scared to even face them, "guys I want you to meet leafy!" Loser greeted me.

I face them I was shaking already I didn't wanna be here! Loser walked almost making me fall again but I handled it I sat next, to pin and loser everyone was confused why I was here I meam I don't blame them I would be too...

I didn't even talk and I so afraid too until I looked at my friends...I wanted to be over there more then anything....I saw firey in his phone I looked at him...then his neck..there was a purple bruised hickey on my neck, more then one about three. But I didn't do that unless he was with someone.....I saw needle moving closer to him mad he kissed her!? He was with needle! What the hell!

Pin P.O.V

We all know what leafy and firey did we just didn't say didn't we weren't mad at firey it was leafy who was gonna pay for everything for making needle hurt by kissing firey and cuddling with him like damn! She already has gelatin! I looked around her at her phone texting someone.

"Hey leafy! Who are you texting!?" I asked her kinda loud so it would hurt her ears, "n-no one!" She quickly out her phone down. I didn't care I grab her phone to see her phone "ha! I got your phone!" I said as I walked back from the table.

"P-pin please give it back!" She try's to grab her phone from me, I threw it and it cracked. I started to laugh and everyone even firey laughed... leafy run to grab it I could tell she was going to cry.

Leafy P.O.V

She....she just broke the last thing my father gave me before he died last year....he got me a new phone since my mine broken..but I didn't care about the phone I cared about how it was the only thing keeping me to break down!.

I turn around to see them laughing at me even firey!...was he just using me!?..he kissed me and cuddled with me unless that was all fake...I started to shake and kinda get angry? I felt tears on my face..but not sad ones angry one!..I looked at pin she looked at me with a smirk...heh that little bitch think just because shes popular all because of loser....

I walked uo to her smiling at her "you pin you shouldn't have done that!!" I pin her to the table making the table, shaking pin was starting to freak..I then I stared to punched her very badly....what was I doing!? I couldn't stop!...I felt someone grab my neck and choked my I try to look behind it was eggy she threw me on the floor, pin got up and having a nose bleed while eggy used her for with her high wheel, and step on my leg "a-ah!" I Finally snap out if it and tried to ran but she was on my leg pin then stared to choke me like eggy, I try to pulled pin back but it was two vs one.

It only took me about one minute to ran for me life. Yes I stared the fight but at this point I don't care I had also had a nosebleed, and huge bruises in my face and my body I went to the bathroom, and lock the door...I took off my shirt and showing my skin and bra.. I saw marks on my body and one side I bleeding badly...

I stared to cry very hard...I felt so bad for hurting pin and I know that I would it the one in tro for hurting her...I couldn't take this! I pulled out my knife and stared to cut where the bleeding was .

Gelatin P.O.V
I came back from the bathroom to find what happen I saw leafy run away from them she looked pretty beat up and sore I walked to see what had happen...I went to the girls bathroom and try to open the door, it was locked.

"L-leafy you okay what happen?" I asked no one answered I saw the loser walking down the hall helping pin all she had a nose bleed! Wtf? "Leafy come on!" I begged her to come outi heard small gasp inside the bathroom and a collapsed on the floor hearing a splash, "leafy!? LEAFY for fucks! Get the fuck out PLZ!! I'm begging you!" I then try to open the bathroom door,

I looked at the loser watching me as they all giggled and laughed I got the door, to open "leafy!" I was cut off I couldn't believe what I was seeing!.....

Her body was in a pool of blood....

((Part two will be coming out in a bit))

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