Meeting at the park💚🧡

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Leafy P.O.V

It's been over two months since I have tried to end my self...yes I regret what I did..I haven't been to school, since that day..but firey was supposed to come over today at my house my mom was still gone, for some reason I didn't know why. But I didn't mind

I had made a full recovery not getting in trouble with that fight, with pin to be honest she got what she wanted! But that feeling being angry..I didn't like that feeling.. I was in the shower, just feeling the water on me. But I couldn't get firey out if my mind he was the only one who been there for me's kinda funny actually one he was my best child hood friend until freshman who turn into a mean popular kid and now into a best friend who now my crush? N-not! I can't fell in love but I aM?

I turn off the shower, and got out I then I got a text from my phone it was from firey

'Hey leafy I'm here!'

'Ok just give me a second to open the door'

I wasn't even ready!? I have to change brush my hair and teeth!

I walk down to the door, and open it "h-hey firey!" I was dripping wet mainly from my hair welp I'm gotta be in trouble since the carpet, was wet and it well sink badly. "Uhh leafy I can w-wait for you!" Firey said blushing.

"Actually just sit on the couch I gotta get done I will be quick"  firey nodded as I went back up

*after about 10 mins later*

I came down being ready "okay firey I'm ready!" I walk as I open the door, firey grab my hand and held it as we walk out I locked the door, in the car and drove to the park.

We got there and started to walk by a lake but as we were walking I saw a ice cream stand, "hey firey? Wanna get ice cream?" I let go of his arm "yeah let's!" We both went to the ice cream stand.

We both got our ice cream, firey got green mint while I got strawberry flavor. We both sat next to the lake on the grass, it was pretty nice out today. I locked my ice cream while firey was also licking his too, I blushed by watching him.

He noticed I looked and I try away kinda embarrassed by it.

After we were done we walk a few more times and kinda okay on the playground we both laughed.

We got back to the car, after hanging out.

Firey P.O.V

Today was very fun today, but I have one more place to take leafy for the night a hill I was driving back to her place and we got inside.

I sat on the couch, and leafy went to undo her hair and went to get change into her comfort clothes she came back and sat next to me. "So leafy how's the injury doing?" She kinda looked down "well it did recover it's just a scar now!" She giggled I smiled back.

She held my arm cuddling it has we were watching tv has it got dark outside.

"Hey leafy before I get going since it's getting late, can I show you s-something?"

She "sure!"

I told her to close her eyes as we walked up to the hill "ok now open!" She open them and smiled but nit the reaction I wanted..

Leafy P.O.V

I open my eyes and looked I been here before with gelatin. "Oh nice firey you know this place too?" I smiled firey looked kinda down "wait you been here before leafy?.." I didn't know what to do.

I saw his face kinda upset was he planing this all day? I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Y-yeah..with gelatin but this time I'm with you! And it feel better with you!" I said as I blushed at him.

He smiled and picked up up and carried, me like a baby!

"F-firey what are you doing!?" I laughed at him. Just picking you up my queen~" he chucked I blushed very very hard "q-queen!?" I kinda almost passed out by that word.

We sat down putting me on his lap I had my hands in his shoulders.

I hugged him close and he did back "thanks flame boi.." he was very warm and I loved it.

"No problem leafy!"
Firey hugged me closer.

But I felt like someone was watching me..,

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