Our sunset time... ((ending))

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Leafy P.O.V

So it's been over two years since that night happen and I almost died from that day, we and firey had a home of our own, I was 20 weeks pregnant from us having our first child we weren't married but we were getting plan I was now 18 while firey is 20 now.

Life actually has been better now I was out of school firey had a job he work as a worker gym teacher, while I was home since I was going to have a child.

But I was in the kitchen eating a bangle it was around 3pm and firey was supposed to come home, at this time I went over to our bedroom and laid down and took a nap.

Firey came in the door at four pm "leafy! I'm home!" Firey turn in the lights, waking me up "o-oh hey firey!" I rubbed my eyes, and got up.

Firey felt my baby bump and kissed it, I giggled "wow firey you really like my bump!" I laughed as firey kissed my cheek.

"Oh leafy you wanna go to the beach there supposed to be this beautiful this night!" Firey pick me up and laid me on the bed Hug me this felt nice.

"Yeah firey what time should we leave?" I turn facing him, "what about around 5pm?" I nodded "I would love that.." he kiss my neck.

"Heh firey..what are you doing?" I felt like melting and very tingling inside, he kissed my neck down to my collarbone. He stop and then held my cheeks.

"Aww leafy your so warm!" He peck my nose and pulled me up.

"You know what's old firey...I never thought we would be together in two years and now we are becoming parents after heh you!" I felt awkward saying ((NO I'm done  saying anything!-))

Firey "oh but leafy you were so cute!-" I cut him off "be quiet firey!" I muffled him by putting my hand on his face and hugged him.

"Okay we should get going it's almost five firey!" I got uo and went to get my bag we were off

Firey P.O.V

You know after those two years leafy was right I'm actually was the luckiest man in earth to be with her, she's the whole world to me and I don't want anything to happen to that we were having a baby we didn't plan on ever having a kid but it just happen leafy wanted to have the kid, I was nervous at first but then I didn't care and went with having a kid but we were planing on getting married before the kid was born.

You couldn't really see her bump since it was very small she just got pregnant 8 weeks ago so not that long ago but I drive us the the beach, the sun was getting ready to go down. She held my hand as we walk into the sand she took her shoes off and mine we had a towel to sit in the sand.

We walked by the water and sat down on the sand watching the sun set the water looked so beautiful with the orange yellow sky......

I turn to leafy and kissed her she kissed back I pick her up and placed her in my lap.

"Oh leafy..you look so beautiful. And sweet~" I held her face and she Kay her head on my hand "thanks firey you too.." she laid her head on my chest.

"I love you leafy with all my heart!" Leafy sat up "I love you more firey!" Leafy giggled.

She's perfect everything I want for a girlfriend and soon wife..

Leafy P.OV

This is the life and everything I wanna spend and firey this to be the same. Did I miss gelatin?..well yes.. he died at a very young age by taken him sled out that night, I go to his grave and visited him a couple times and talk to him. I do miss him but he's resting now..and no longer has to be in this dark and cruel world.

Me and firey watch the sun still go down "oh firey let's take a picture today to remember this day!" Together!" I grab firey and and took out my phone, he held me close and I held him too.

We got a perfect photo together.

"Heh let's go home firey!"

We drove home.

Later that night I got the photo dome and took it and out it in a frame and out it in our dresser to remember this most amazing beautiful day ever.

We went and changed and I got in bed, whole firey turned off the lights and close the blinds, "thanks honey.." I said waiting for him to get in bed.

Firey got In the covers and cuddled with me..

"I love you Firey.."

Firey kissed me and yawn

" I love you too leafy.."

We fell asleep.

Leafy and Firey P.O.V

We were right for each other...

We were right for each other

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((The photo they took))

((This is the end of the book I honestly hope you like this book I am thinking doing a 2nd story about this but right now this is the end I hope you like it!))

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