Black out....

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Leafy P.O.V

I was confused why needle was angry at firey especially with me she turn to me "you BITCH!!" Needle went and try to fight me, I quickly dodged her move and went behind firey.
"needle STOP NOW!" Firey pushed her away from me I was hugging firey tightly being a scary cat I am.

Needle "how dare you leafy! I loved him!" Needle yelled

Firey looked shocked "b-but I didn't...needle..I broke up with you a long time ago so please leave now!" Firey points the door, at the door she left flipping us off.

I let go of him.

"F-firey we should go get dinner..ok?" Looked looked at him he sighed and held my cheek "sure leafy sorry that happen.."

I hugged him "it's okay firey she started but thanks for saving me!" I stick my tongue out at firey being stupid, he took out his too and touch mine "ah!" I off back down and laid and laughed "okay enough playing let's go leafy!" Firey help me up and we went to dinner.

I sat next to firey kinda close and loser was next to my right.

"Okay today the diner is roast beef and a wine of glass and some fruit and vegetables with it!" Loser said as mine came threw the door, and gave us the food.

I didn't really like wine since it tasted gross but at this point idc, I ate my food I saw needle talking to pin and looked at me with a glare at rolled my eyes.

Later it was midnight there was only one bed for me and firey so we were sleeping in the same bed in the same room, he was asleep while I was on my phone and I saw gelatin post something with teardrop and lollipop they probably hate me....

I turn off my phone and went under firey arm and fell asleep.

I woke up early I looked around firey was still asleep "f-firey wake up..." I shake him a bit he woke up "l-leafy bed it's late.." he grab my shoulders and laid me in his chest. "Fine...." I went back to sleep

Later we were driving to the store we had just left, loser place we were off to the store to pick outfits and and stuff like like, since we were going to one of those clubs...we went into a highly rated store.

I went to go look for dresses I saw this white dress and locked it "ok firey imma try this be back in a second.

I went to try the dress in and look in the mirror

I honestly I loved this dress yeah it was kinda shirt back it went well with everything I liked so I too, it off and went to show it to firey "okay firey look" Firey turn to see

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I honestly I loved this dress yeah it was kinda shirt back it went well with everything I liked so I too, it off and went to show it to firey "okay firey look" Firey turn to see.

Firey was blushing "w-wow leafy you look....beautiful! Firey giggled. I blushed back "thanks I'm gonna go pay for it" I went to take it off and went to pay for it I wait for firey he had some outfit I saw it looked very nice.

I saw a clothing pieced it looked like lingerie I walked to see it was it was pretty cute and maybe firey will like it...I grab it and went to pay I was waiting for firey to get his stuff he payed for it, and we went back to his house to changed. I put the dress, we were still not together but tonight I will tell him and maybe become a couple?..

Firey P.O.V

I was waiting for leafy so we could go to the club tonight was the night I would ask her to be my girlfriend. Leafy came out if the dresser room, losing stunning like always.. "ready firey?" Leafy held my head.

I nodded and we went to the club.

We got got to the club we both walk in, people were looking at leafy like they knew who she was. She felt a little uncomfortable I took her and sat on the table, and she lean her head on my shoulder.

We sat there for a few minutes until a song came up I like and grab leafys hand took her to the dance floor. We both dance she was laughing and smiling.

"Wow firey your such a good dancer! Leafy said I pick her up and spin her around the dance floor.

When the sing stop leafy held my shoulders while I looked at her warping my hands around her and smiled.

She sigh and blush "f-firey...can we talk? About something?" I could feel her about to ask me...I wanted to do it first "yeah but can I go first?" She lets me and I went close to her and kissed her she was kinda shocked and she kissed back to me..

It felt very nice.

I let go of her and she was blushing lightly and I smiled "leafy will you be m-my girlfriend?-"

"Yes firey..." leafy hugged me but this time it felt even better I hugged back to her. We later left the club I took her home we got to her house, she yawn "tanka for everything firey!" She kissed me and got out of the car.

"Bye leafy!" I waved back to her she did a heart shape with her hands. She waved and then went in the her house.

I felt so loved....

Leafy P.O.V

Today was the best day of my life I walked into my kitchen and make a drink I drink it and threw my bag on the couch and I sat in the couch and drinking my drink I heard a noise upstairs I split scared and went up stairs, and to see the noise was.

I heard it from my room and the last thing I knew....

I got it by something I black out....

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