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I woke up to the sound of an annoying alarm clock. Its 5:30 A.M. and I know I have to get up because I have softball practice at 6:00. Its awfully cold on this Monday morning but after all it is January.

I make my way down stairs loudly to see if anyone even cares enough to come check out the noise but of course they don't. It's just my parents and I, and I would appreciate it if they would at least acknowledge my presence in their lives sometimes. A little attention never hurt anybody.

I go outside and warm my car up. My red Mini Copper is my baby. I got it about 3 months ago for my 16th birthday. I go back inside trying to find some fruit and a granola to snack on.

I grab my Adidas sports bag, cleats, and my Samsung Galaxy s4 and make my way back to the garage after I am done eating. Its about 5:45 and i need to fill up because my tank is getting low. I go inside the gas station and almost run smack into a leather jacket figure trying to get to the cash register . " Excuse me," I say. "Pardon me," he answered in a husky voice.

Before I continue there are a few things I need to get straight. My name is Jessica Turner. I'm African American. I have deep brown eyes, chocolate brown skin, and long black hair that I always throw into a pony tail on mornings like these. I play softball on the varsity team that made back in September. The stranger I bumped into picked up the bottle of Smart Water I didn't even realized I dropped. "Thank-", I can't even finish thanking him because i got caught up looking into his beautiful amber eyes. "You", I say eventually getting the words out of my mouth.

Honestly I'm not sure what came over me. I haven't really had a crush before. Don't get me wrong I think boys are cute and stuff but this guy is just gorgeous. He definitely wasn't my type. I try to stick within my own race just because I thought guys outside my race wouldn't like me. Heck, I don't think guys within my own race like me.

Anyways I quickly gather myself and checkout. I glance at the handsome stranger's direction but he was already out the door and driving away in his huge Dodge pickup.


Practice has been rough lately. Coach has had the team in the weight room so everyone arms can get stronger. Things are bearable because one of my close friends, Tiffany, is also on the team. One thing about Tiff is that she is brutally honest. Anything that she thinks is what she says aloud. Generally she is pretty funny at times and a pain during others.

Back in the locker room I try to make myself look decent for another 8 hour long miserable day at this zoo we call Edward Dillon High School. I put on a long sleeve button up striped pink and white collared shirt, denim dark wash skinny jeans, pink sparkly flats and a head band because Tiff forced me to straighten my hair. I rush out of the locker heading back to my car to drop off my sports bag and grab my Jansport backpack.

Just as I'm turning the corner I bump smack into what feels like another wall at first but then I remembered this feeling. As I try to gather some of my belongings the stranger passes me my softball glove. I look up only to meet those amber eyes that I saw earlier this morning.

He grins and says "Don't you look familiar." I reply shyly ,"This is twice in less than 4 hours. If I didn't know any better, I would think I had a stalker."

He chuckles and introduces himself. "I'm Daniel, but you can call me Danny, " he said while extending a hand. I shake his hand and replay introducing myself. "My name is Jessica."

"By any chance," he says "do you know where I can find Mr. Wilber's class?" I'm new and I don't really know where anything is." "Um i have him first period for algebra so i guess you can just follow me," I say in replay. " I just need to stop by my locker first." We headed to my locker and I grabbed my text book.

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