Save Me

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Daniels P.O.V.

Damn. I was just about to get into it. But she jumped off the bed and rushed to the door. Before she even had a chance to touch the door knob a woman barged in. The lady looked like her but not enough to be her mom.

"What are  you doing here?" I heard Jess say

The lady stepped all the way into the room and closed the door behind her. She even locked it. She glanced in my direction and I was ready for all the grief I was about to receive but she didn't even get mad or yell or freak out like a normal adult would do. Instead she looked back over at Jessica and said "well pick your jaw up off the floor and give your aunt a hug. I haven't seen you in years."

"I thought you weren't coming back for another year and where is Uncle Henry?"

"Now now honey I'm suppose to be the one asking the questions. Your uncle Henry will be along shortly, he is unloading the bags from the car....Now who is this?" The lady said pouting in my direction.

"Oh this is Daniel, my boyfriend."

I was starting to get worried because Jess's mom had already gave me a hard time and I didn't the same issue with this foreign lady.

"Oh he's cute. How did your mom take it when you brought him home?"

"She didn't. She didn't even want to meet him."

"Well she will come around. Don't worry. Any who be ready tomorrow me and you and Henry are going for breakfast in the morning." We have a lot of catching up to do and if you want you can bring Daniel along."

"OK goodnite Aunty"

"Nite girly. Be good Danny boy." She said and left.

Jessica shut the door and locked it behind her and walked back to the bed.

"Who was that I asked?

"My Aunty Justine"

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