Can You Feel The Love Part II

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As I lead Danny up the first flight upstairs I realized just how dark it really was now that the electricity was out. I was actually glad he came over or I would be here lonely and scared.

We turned the corner and made my way to my bedroom. I opened the door and Danny came in behind me shutting the door.
I looked at him and said "if you look in my desk", which was in the corner, "you will find a pack of matches."
"Ok" he said turning to get them.

I walked into my walk in closet and used my step ladder to reach one of my top shelves where I had my Vanilla scented candles.
I walked out the closet and almost had a heartache because Danny jumped out of no where yelling "Boo!"
"What is your problem?!....going around frightening innocent girls" I said when I finally caught my breath.

"I was just playing around. Live a little. Besides I thought it was pretty funny. You scream like a girl."
"Um I'm sorry but what did you expect?" I say sarcastically.

He opens his mouth to answer.

"That was a rhetorical question silly" I say before he has a chance to say anything.
"Hey where are those matches anyways Danny?"
"Right here" he says holding them up.
"Ok let's light this candle"

Danny lights the match and I hold the candle. He puts the flame to the wick and I can see his gorgeous face since we were standing very close together. He is looking in my eyes and I can't take my eyes off of his. After a couple of seconds I come back to reality and break eye contact and walked over to my desk and set the candle down. I can feel his eyes boring into my back for a minute so I act like I'm fixing the papers on my desk.
Danny clears his throat,"So when do you think the storm is going to let up?" he asks.
" I have no idea. I don't even a have a signal for my phone." I said glancing at my Phone which was still in my dock.
"Well what are gonna do?"
"I Don't know...guess we gotta wait until everything comes back on and figure it out from there."
."Well in the meantime lets play a game." he suggested while making himself comfortable on my bed."Ok what's the game called?"
"Twenty questions?"
"Ok, you start"Ok um....whats your favorite color?"
"Pink what about you?"
"Blue" "ok now you have to ask me a question" he instructed."I know how this game works" I say laughing.
"Why are you making yourself so comfortable on my bed"
He looks at me funny
"What it's a question isn't it?"
"Alright alright, I'm making myself comfortable on your bed because I had a rough practice today, so I'm pretty tired and everything in your room smells really good, including your bed. "Oh yea it is pretty late. We should be turning in...I need to figure out where you can sleep."
"Its cool. I'll crash on the floor. I don't wanna invade your space."
"No you can't sleep on the floor. Your back will hurt in the morning." "Look you can sleep in my bed and I will sleep in my parents' room."
"Ok thanks Jess"
"Well I guess imma head to sleep. Oh and by the way, the bathroom is through those doors by the closet. If you need anything just take the next flight upstairs and my parents room is the second door on the right."

"Nite" I tell him turning my back to leave but Danny stand and grabs my arm pulling me into a hug.
"Night." He whispers in my eat

Daniel's P.O.V

I did not want to let her go but I know she was tired. I watched her ass as she walked out the room. She makes it hard for me to act like a gentlemen. Everything she does is a turn on from the way she walks to the way she talks.I love the way her skin looks up against mine. The more I think about her the more I feel my little "friend"becoming harder. Even her bed has the same scent as her. It smells like cake. I take off my shirt and pants to sleep in my boxers like I usually do. I laid down grabbing a pillow out of habit. I have to sleep holding something.Jess is so shy. I've been trying to drop hints so she know I'm into her but she is so innocent. I think she thinks I'm just being friendly but all I really wanna do is make her mine. Oh gosh now I have funkin blue balls. I need to take a shower. Maybe the water is running. I stand up to go in the bathroom. Its really dark so I bring the candle with me.
Her bathroom was all white which was a big difference from her room which was a soft pink and black. I found the shower and opened the glass door and reached in turning the handle.
No water....guess I have to handle my problem the old fashion way. I lean up against the wall and put my hands in my boxer rubbing my dick thinking of Jessica. I bet if I got the chance to make love to her she would be so soft and she would moan my name with that beautiful voice of hers. Soon I was moaning her name and reached my climax. I had cum all over my hands. I found a towel and wiped them walking back into room. Sitting on the bed when I walked back in was Jessica</

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