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Mid-day Friday

Jessica's P.O.V.

Our "dinner date" turned out to be a "lunch date" because I did not want to wait all day to tell Danny about the situation concerning my home life. So Danny ended up taking me to this small cafe. We got a table for two and ordered our drinks and meals. The best thing about Danny is that he did not pressure me to get started telling him all my buisness. He did not even bring up the subject of my family.

Half way through our meal I began to ease onto the subject.

"Well I know I don't talk about my parents much, but thats because I hardly know them. In these past 16 years I have been with them I have never felt like a daughter but more like an object. It's the same way with my parents relationship. I don't think they actually love each other. I think they are together because they were forced togerther because of there backgrounds. My mother's family was very weathy and so was my father's. They were the same age and the same race  and the grew up in the same town. They ran in the same circles basically, so their marriage was pratical and expected. I feel like when they had me, that I was another forced task that they completed. They get me whatever I ask for whenever I ask for it. They are hardly ever home and the most I ever see my parents is when we are forced to go to one of there buisnees functions."

As I spoke unwanted tears started filling up my eyes but I did'nt let them fall. Danny grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. I did'nt want him to see me like this because, truth be told, I was pretty embarresed of my situation.

"What's even worse is that my parents are always trying to put me in some relationship with a spoiled rich kid of buisness owner so that I can get married they way they did. In Misery." "You have got to understand that they are not going to be nice to you. First off, your white so they are probablly going to be angry at me for even taking the relationship you and I have serious enough to bring you home."" Secondly, my mom already has someone in mind for me and she is constantly dropping hints, but I ignore her or act like I'm to naive to understand what she is suggesting so don't take it personal if she is especially rude to you. My father is somewhat tolerable  compared to her."

After getting this out I looked at Danny trying figure out how he was feeling about this.

"So what your telling me is that your parents are prejudice?" he ask looking confused

"Well not exactly. My parents are good friends with Tiff's parents. They have known each other for years. That's why she and I are such good friends because when she moved here I was her only friend at first...They don't hate white people per say they just don't have white boys in mind for me."

Danny started laughing...."Jess don't your parents realize that people should be together because they love each other and no other reason?. If they are going to make things difficult for me, I don't care." " I know we only just met but I care about way too much to let this keep us apart. So I think we should head over to your place so I can get to know your folks," he says confidentley


Sorry It's short but I'll update asap now that I got a new Tablet for Christmas. Merry Christmas and Sorry about any errors

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