Still Into You

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Jessica's P.O.V

We made it into the dance hall and everything looked nice. The music was loud and everybody was getting down. Danny led me over to a table and we sat down. Did I mention Danny was looking fine. I have never seen him dressed up before, I mean he had a fresh haircut,  a black tux, white shirt, pink tie, and black shoes. Ever since he picked me up from Tiff's house, he has been looking nervous. His cheeks have this pink tint to them and he could not look me in the eye. Tiff and Thomas made their way over to the dance floor and Danny and I went to secure a table.

We found a table for four and Danny pulled my chair out so I could sit. He sat down beside meand I immediately questioned him. "Daniel are you ok? You have been acting really strange."  He looks at me and then grabs one of my hands. He placed it over he pants and I could feel how hard he was.

"Once I saw you in that dress, my mind has been all over the place this evening. I have thinking how to get you alone. My body needs you right now. This, he wraps my hand around his cloth covered cock, is unbearable."  He looks at me with pouting eyes.

I can't help but laugh. No wonder he can't stand to look at me. I decided I might as well help him with his "situation" but not until later on this evening. He could stand to wait and maybe I would make him beg for it.

"Don't worry bae. I got you." I say leaning in for a kiss. We share the kiss but are interrupted when Tiffany shows up a loudly clears her throat.

I hear Danny groan a little and I chuckled.

"What's up Tiff" I ask

"We need to step out to the powder room for a minute"

We leave the guys and make our way too the restroom

Tiff turns to me and say "Thomas and I are thinking about leaving the dance a little early for some quiet time.

Well do your thing girl...I understand but be safe.

All of a sudden we heard a loud bang. My phone vibrated inside of my clutch. It was a message from Danny

Don't leave the bathroom. Some other school decided to bomb our homecoming with tear gas. The police are here to evacuate the place. So stay put and don't worry princess.

I had no idea Tiff was standing behind me reading the message too. Now she was gonna freak out because this is Tiff we are talking about. Drama is her middle name. I turn to face her and she already has tears and make up running down her face. All I can honestly say is poor Thomas because he is the one who is gonna have to deal with her when this all over with.

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