Homecoming Invite

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Next Wednesday Back at School.

Danny's P.O.V.

After the long week off I'm kinda glad to be back at school. I'm ready to surprise Jessica by asking her to go to the Homecoming dance with me again. I know she already said yes but I want this time to be special. I talked to her Best-friend's boyfriend, my good friend Thomas, and asked him to ask Tiff to make a list of the stuff she likes. While the girls were at team bonding last Friday, me and Thomas went out to get some of the things on the list like a Hershey's milk chocolate bar and a Drake poster because she is obsessed with the guy. I also bought her a dozen of pink lilies because she told me that pink is her favorite color and lilies are favorite flowers. That's pretty strange because my mothers favorite flowers are lilies also.

During the lunch period instead of us eating lunch I took her outside to the football field. She didn't want to go at first. She was complaining about how cold it was but of course I planned for this. I know Jessica better than she thinks. I pay attention to everything she does from the way she walks to how she pulls her hair into a bun in when its getting on her nerves. I know she hates the cold so I gave Thomas $20 and he and Tiff went to Starbucks to grab us some hot chocolate.

Out on the football I can see the the varsity football team assembling liked we planned. They were on the right side of the field and the varsity softball team was coming in through the left side.

Jessica turned her brown eyes toward me. If I may say so she was looking extra sexy today because she was wearing these tight dark skinny jeans with her red Ugh boots and her red Northface jacket with a white scarf around her neck. Her hair was straightened. I took this time to run my hands through her soft hair and pulled her closer to me so I could give her hug. I leaned back a little and kissed her on her lips and she actually kissed backed.

I was surprised because for as long as I had known her she was playing hard to get. Anyways I guessed she figured out I was enjoying this kiss a little too much because of my friend downstairs.

She pushed away and looks me in the eye and says, "Danny why are we even out here? I'm cold"-

But just then Tiff and Thomas showed back up with our hot chocolate, but I was already thinking of a couple of other ways to warm her up if you know what I mean.

I turned to Thomas and asked "aye man are they ready down there?"

"Yea there gonna start in three, two, one."

Suddenly the football team pulled off there shirts and they had spelled out Jessica's full name which was Jessica Marie Turner and then her softball team mates including Tiff had about half a dozen softball each and the spelled out Homecoming?.

I looked at Jessica's face and she was crying. Damn she doesn't like it. How the hell am I gonna explain that goody basket I made for her, that Thomas is gonna bring her in a couple of minutes. Shit it feels like my heart was breaking because of those tears in her brown eyes but then she smiled.

Her smile took my breath away and made me forget all about that mental breakdown I was having.

"Will you go with me as my date?"

"Yes Danny" she says sniffling a little.

Our teams breakout in a loud cheer and the bell rings signaling that lunch was over. I walked Jessica to here next class planting a kiss on her cheek and then I left to get the basket from Thomas so I could put it in her locker instead. I knew she would find it soon.

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