Baby I

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Jessica's P.O.V

Saturday, The Day of the Homecoming Dance

I woke up abruptly to my covers being ripped off me, exposing me to the harsh morning coldness. I crack my eyes open while trying to figure out what's going on and where are my covers. Seconds later the sun was shining brightly into my room blinding me because someone had opened the blinds. I sat up trying to find the intruder.

"Get up and get dressed, we got things to do girlie." Tiff was in my closet doing God who knows what. I should have known that Tiff was gonna break into my house at the ass crack of dawn. She always pulls these types of shenanigans. I stand up and stretched. I happened to glance at the mirror and I was looking just a lil rough this morning. My scarf was halfway off my head. I had on mix matched socks. I even had a little drool stain on the left side of my face.

Tiff walked out the closet and threw my black sweat pants, my pink ugg boots and, my Victoria secret love pink and silver hoodie at me. Since I was barely awake I didn't even catch them. They just hit me in the face and then fell floor.

"Look Jess, I know you tired and everything, but we don't have time for this. You know and I know that today is the day of Homecoming and we got way too much stuff to do. We're not gonna get any of it done if your lying in bed all day doll."

"Alright, Alright, I'm up." I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I put on my clothes and threw my hair up into a bun. I walked out to find Tiff holding my purse, already ready to go. She looked super pretty in her baby blue ugg boots, white yoga pants and her baby blue Hollister hoodie.

We left out of my house and got into her silver Audi. "So first we are going to the hair salon, because that's gonna take up the majority of the day. You are scheldued with Tanya and I'm scheldued with Amanda." "After that we have to get our eyebrows waxed and arched-"

I interrupted her "No. I hate getting them waxed, it hurts like hell. I'm ready to cry after they finish one."

"Well beauty is pain. You will thank me later after you see how good you you really need it because yours are staring to grow together a lil bit."

I laughed " Shut up because the last time I saw you in shorts you looked like chubaca from Star Wars."

"Don't hate honey, you know you were secretly checking me out. It's ok I won't tell Danny."

"Eww you need to stop. Aint nobody looking at you. Anyways I'm hungry, are we gonna stop and get breakfast?"

"We don't have that type of time. Look in the backseat, there should be a parfait, a spoon, and a bottle of orange juice."

I ate on the way to the salon as Tiff drove. She turned on the radio and one of our favorite songs came on, It was Marry Me by Jason Derulo. As soon as we heard the first lyric of the song we both made eye contact with each other and started singing. We stopped at a red light, still singing at the top of our voices. The people in the car next to us were giving us sideways looks. We started cracking up because this kind of thing always happened to us.

We made it to the salon. Amanda got started with Tiff's hair. Tanya took me to the back room so she could start on my eyebrows. Needless to say, I was hella scared but I got threw it. After that torture, Tanya washed, conditioned and wrapped my hair. She sat me under the dryer next to Tiff, who had rollers in her hair.

"So how are you going to get your make up done?", she asks me.

"I'm not sure. I just know that I want sparkly eyeshadow. I think sparkly eyeshadow is so pretty once the light hits it, ya know."

"Yea that will pretty especially if you get the color in the same shade of your dress."


Danny's P.O.V.

I'm at store with Thomas trying to buy Jess the right color corsage to go with her dress tonight. When Thomas and I took the girls bags back to the car that one day when we went to mall, we peeked into the bags to see the dress colors. All I know is that Jess is wearing this soft pink color.

I looked over at Thomas who was struggling trying to pick his favorite of the 2 he liked.

"Look man, just pick one so we can get outta here. We gotta be at the barbershop in about 15 minutes."

"I don't want to pick the wrong color because Tiffany will kill me, and I would hate for the driver to clean blood off leather seats."

We rented a limo for the night, so we could all ride together.

I laughed,"Ok well you better make your decision in about 5 minutes or were gonna be late. I'll be outside in the car."

I paid for the corsage, and walked out the store to my truck. I wonder if the girls morning had been just as busy as ours.


Later that nite 8:10 Tiffany's House

Danny's P.O.V.

Thomas and I were waiting downstairs with Jessica's and Tiffany's dad. It was hella awkward in this living room especially because their dad's were eyeballing us so hard It look like Tiff's dad was gonna bust a vein. And Jessica's dad was no better, sitting there holding this old shot gun. All four of us had a "man to man talk" that ended with us getting threatened with that gun if we did not bring the girls back home by curfew exactly the way they had given them to us.

Needless to say they were fucking serious as a heart attack. No doubt they were gonna be up all night until we returned them home.


8:35 Still at Tiff's house

Danny's P.O.V

I'm literally bored outta my mind waiting for them. What the heck could be taking so long. All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not a girl because I don't know how they do it. Thomas and I could barely make it to the barbershop on time this morning. But Tiff's mom said they girls spent at least 4 hours salon this morning and that was just for starters. I don't know what I would do if-

My internal rant was cut short because I head the sound of heels hitting the wooden stairs. Finally!

Tiff came down first and she looked nice. Apparently Thomas was having a hard time keeping it together cuz he was drooling a little bit. I stepped on foot so he could get it together. But then Jessica turned the corner and she came down the stairs looking like angel sent straight from heaven. You better believe I was drooling. Heck, I had to think about dead puppies so my boner would go away. She had a strapless light pink dress that stopped about 2 inches above her knee and there were pink flowers on the bottom, Her shoes were sparkly and she had on a matching head band. The best thing about Jessica is that she looks so innocent but in a sexy way. Kinda like a school girl. Ouch something struck me in the back of my leg.

I looked around and saw Thomas looking at me. He was giving me that "bro get  your shit together" look. I looked down to see what he was referring to. Oh shit...and now her dad was looking at me funny. I started to think of dead puppies. I know that sounds pretty bad but I need it right now because I'm currently sporting this huge ass boner. Jessica makes it over to me and I smile at. "You look so beautiful" She thanked me and even though I could hardly see it I knew she was blushing.  We left out the front door and into the night

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