Can You Feel the Love Tonight

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Tuesday After School

After practice I head home arriving to an empty house. Again. I looked at the note on the fridge that said:

Jess, I will be working late and your dad went on business trip in Singapore. He will be back sometime at the end of this week and I will be extremely busy because of the case that I am working on in London. You can order yourself something to eat or make some thing because Nina (our maid who comes and cleans and keeps our house up) went grocery shopping recently. Don't wait up, see you in a couple of days.


I sigh and head up stairs to take a shower. I enter my room and put my phone in my docking station and played one of my favorite songs right now which is Girls Love Beyonce by Drake. After my shower I put on some lotion so my skin won't be too ashy and braided my hair into a french braid so when I wake up in the morning it will be wavy. My braid reached to the middle of my back right above my bra strap. Since my hair is relaxed I tied my cheetah printed scarf over the top of my head. I slipped on my bra and panties and then my plaid purple pajama pants with my lavender night shirt and matching slippers. I walked down trying to figure out what I was going to make.

I decided on chicken Alfredo pasta and a salad. As I was putting the noodles I heard the doorbell ring. Wondering who it could be at 7:00 at night I check the peep hole.

It was Danny...omg I completely forgot the whole project thing. I open the door taking in how cute he looked.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I replied smiling

"Um can I come in?" he asks smiling

"Oh yea" I opened the door wider.

"So I hope I didn't come by too late. I would have came earlier but practice was running a bit late." he said doing that whole scratching the back of his Head thing that boys do.

"No it's fine." I say leading him to the kitchen so I can finish cooking

"Are you sure because we can-"

"Danny why do you keep asking? I told you it's fine" I said raising an eyebrow

"It's cuz your in your nite clothes and all the lights are out around here. I mean I understand if you and your family are wrapping things up for the evening."

I had forgotten I was in my pajamas which just made me wanna run up stairs and grab my robe but I resisted the urge.

"It's just me. My parents, well here" I said handing him the note from my mom

After he read it he asked me "So its just you here alone in this huge house?"

"Well now its just us" I said

"Is it always like this for you?" he inquired looking deeply in my eyes.

"Most of the time"

"This has got to be lonely."

"Well Tiff comes over sometimes. It's not a big deal. Are you hungry?" I ask trying to change the subject

He looked as if he were going to say something but thought better of it and changed his mind. "Yea. What are you cooking?"

"Pasta and salad. It's only enough for one person but we can share if you help me out."

"And if I don't help you out?" He asked playfully running a hand through his curly hair.

"Then none for you" I replied simply.

"Um let me drain those noodles for you" he said quickly getting to work.


We ate in the dinning room when the food was finished. In my dining room our table has 4 chairs on either side of the table and one chair at the heads of the table. We use this room when my parent have colleagues and business partners over. I thought it would be rude to make Danny eat at the bar in the kitchen so I brought him here instead. Of course he sat directly next to me which was weird but I guess that's Danny for you.

"So the project is pretty easy. I've already started working on the written part of it I'm just not sure how to make the the 3 dimensional object part of it." I explained to him.

"Oh that's easy , if you just look at it like this....." he went on to explain


Before we knew it was 9.

I asked Danny "Don't you think its about time you head home?"

"Well I don't have a it ok if I hang out here for a lil while longer."

I thought it through quickly deciding it was ok.

"Sure why not?"


We ended up in the family room which really isn't a family room because I'm really the only person who comes in here.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Danny

"Sure watcha got?" He asks

"Um well I really like cartoons and older shows so I have Charlie Brown, The Regular Show Season 1 and 2, and Daria Seasons 1-5. " I say listing a few.

He looks at me funny.

"Don't judge me" I say smiling a little

"Charlie Brown" he says

"Ok" I put the DVD and grab a blanket out the closet. I sit on the couch next to Danny trying to get comfortable.

"Woodstock is my favorite character" Danny says after a couple minutes into the movie.

"Really? Mine too....Do you know what we need?"


"Popcorn and Gummy Worms"

"That would be nice. I can run to the store and get some."

"No its cool I'm pretty sure we have some already...."

I stand to go in the kitchen and Danny follows me. "Hey, its cool. I got it" I tell but he follows me anyway.

When I got to the kitchen I realized it was raining and thundering pretty hard outside. It looked like it was going to flood. It was around 11:00 and the rain did not look like it was going to let up.

I turned to face Danny.

"It looks pretty bad out there."

" I know. I'm a lil nervous about driving home in the rain because the streets look flooded."

"Well how about you just stay the night. We have a guest house in the back yard. That's where we usually let guest-

All of a sudden the lights went out

"On second thought" I said shakily "just stay in here"

All I could see were his eyes. Something or I should say someone grabbed at me and I shrieked, my inner girly girl surfacing.

"Calm down it's just me" Danny says while sliding his hand down my arm to hold me hand"I don't wanna loose you and I don't know my way around here."

"Ok I'm calm...let's go up stairs. I have some candles in my room."

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