(Getting Through This) Together

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Hi, and thank you so much for reading! :) 

This is basically a post-endgame, canon divergence (a specific human lives by my will), big three h/c/angst/fluff combo feat. a wholesome heart to heart. You're been warned

If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

Peter liked a lot of things about the Stark's new cabin.

He'd never lived anywhere but the hustling, bustling city. He enjoyed the quiet. It was nearly deserted here, with a two minute warning of any visitors coming thanks to the noisy gravel of the uber-long driveway, so Peter didn't have to talk to a bunch of people. Tony mostly handled that.

Peter liked the fact that he had his own room. Apparently, Tony had had a room for Peter in the works even before. Before yesterday, when May had been confirmed to have passed in a car accident in 2021. Before a few weeks ago, when the Avengers had used time travel to retrieve the Infinity Stones and bring everyone back. Before five years ago, when Thor had put an abrupt and brutal end to Thanos forever. Before five years and an extra couple of days ago.

When Peter had died.


(But not that obviously, right? Because he was here now.)

(Peter found himself recounting what his life had come to as a way to pass free time lately, especially before bed. As if one day, the studying and analyzing would pay off, and it all might become comprehensible.)

Peter's most favorite thing about the cabin, though, was Morgan.

A four-year-old she-devil with Pepper's smarts, Tony's sass, and the awareness of someone five times her age. Peter got the feeling that, although Morgan didn't know what had really been going on in the world recently- and in her family, too- she still understood in an unfathomable childhood wisdom sort of way. Peter would never openly talk about the tragedies that had occurred with the young girl. Hell, he didn't even broach the subject often with adults like Tony or Pepper. But when Peter said he needed to be alone for an hour or two, Morgan always knew that he meant the opposite. She'd grab snacks or games or a book for Peter to read for her, smiling intuitively, letting Peter pretend to be bothered by the intrusion.

Peter had never had a sister before, but Morgan was the best one he could ask for. They fit like yin and yang, four and fifteen, Morguna and Bambino, and, needless to say, Tony dreaded the day they both grew up a bit and Peter taught Morgan how to sneak out of class.

Morgan was one of the few reasons Peter was still up and going. He felt responsible to be a good brother and take care of her, which was odd, considering he basically manifested within the Stark family's lives this month, out of nowhere. He'd been in the soul realm for five years- as he was told, he had no personal proof- and suddenly Doctor Strange had been next to him, zapping his shoulders with stray yellow sparks, patting him on the back tersely and pointing towards a lakeside estate before hurrying off to wherever he had been needed next.

Peter had glanced at the home hesitantly. Without warning, there had then been screaming coming from the windows of the cabin, and Peter could hear a familiar voice curse and say, "It worked! I swear to all that's holy, Pep, I told you that the minute I came home from the compound, something would happen." A couple murmurs in response. Then, "No, he's right there! Look outside!" The door had swung open with a loud bang, and a hysterical man had come flying out, sprinting in Peter's direction.

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