5 Times Peter Hated Reading His Texts + 1 Time He Didn't

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An AU where Peter has both his parents, except his dad is a bad person :(  Read as you see fit here, warnings for sucky fathers, a dysfunctional relationship &  all that stuff. Remember my messages are always open if you need to talk, I speak from experience, daddy issues do be the worst y'all. 

Thank you so much for reading! :) If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)


Peter, I'm reaching out. I know it's been a while. I miss you, son. I never meant to hurt you. I promise. Please reply. We can start over.

Peter replayed the message over and over in his head. Like a catchy song he couldn't unhear the lyrics to. Like a bad grade written in red on his paper he couldn't unsee.

He hugged the toilet and promptly lost his lunch.

Out on the other side of the door, Tony knocked hesitantly and strained his ears for a response.

"Pete? Kiddo? You okay?"

"M'fine," Peter groaned.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked. The worst things were running through his head. Food poisoning. Attacked on patrol. Cyber bullying. 

"M'fine," Peter repeated. He sounded endlessly angry, now that Tony was really, truly listening. How could he help?


A few weeks later, Peter finally got the nerve up to reply.

He didn't tell Tony or his mom about the first message from his deadbeat alcoholic dad. Why should he? He had wanted it to just not exist. He played it off as a stomachache to Tony and his mother. Which wasn't technically lying.

Now, though, he felt...like he had to take this chance. Like, maybe, time had improved his father.

He sat in his bed, reading and rereading the text he had prepped.

The thing was as close to a shield as Peter could make. It was filled with conditions and standards.

I deserve to have standards, Peter thought, and hit send.

He left messenger, hit clear all apps, and turned off his phone.

Counted to sixty.

Unlocked his phone. Opened messenger. Checked the text thread.

Left messenger. Hit clear all apps. Turned off his phone.

Counted to sixty.

He did this seven times until he got a response.

All cheery and grateful and sweet. It made Peter regret replying, 'cause all Peter could do was hope it would at least last a week.


Peter, six months older and wiser,  was looking forward to tinkering with Tony after school. He hopped on the elevator and rode up SI to their lab.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter called cheerfully. He slung his navy blue backpack off his shoulders, set it by the door, and skipped over to Tony.

"Hey. There's tons of random stuff we could do today, but I ordered pizza, for starters," Tony told him. "Even half pineapple, for your twisted ways." Peter laughed.

"How was school?"

Peter shrugged. "Fine. I gamed with Ned in study hall."

He takes after me, Tony thought with humor, but moved on.

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