Get Some Rest

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Three times Peter refuses to take a break when he's sick, and one time he doesn't.

Picture this back in Homecoming era-ish. A vague world around that time when Marvel let Peter Parker have nice things XD

No warnings- enjoy <3


Peter regretted coming in through the Tower's window the second his feet hit the ground.

It had already been a long night. His head hurt, his feet hurt, and he was debating making a break for it and collecting tissue boxes to hoard in his room. Unfortunately, Tony was standing right in front of him, where he'd probably been waiting for a while.

"So," he said, sounding equal parts frustrated and concerned, "you look about ready to pass out."

"Uh, no, no way, uh..." Peter dithered, trying not to visibly shiver. "All good."

"What did I say about patrolling for longer than an hour or two in the winter?"

"...Not to?"

Tony sighed, pulled Peter in for an awkward/endearing side hug, and offered him a mug of warm tea. (Peter suspected that it had been held hostage until he'd admitted to what had been labeled his teenage rebellion.)

"We really need to have a conversation about your self-sacrificial streak," Tony added.

"I got it from you, though."

"Not the point."

Peter acquiesced to staying in for the night, letting Tony pamper him with snacks and blankets and cold medicine. "I bet I'll feel all better tomorrow," he said, lying on the couch, Rogue One playing on Tony's massive television. "Just please don't tell Aunt May-" a sneeze- "'cause I don't want anyone else worrying about me."

On the other end of the couch, Tony sighed again and patted Peter's knee. "Fine," he told the boy, "but we really need to work on that self-sacrificial streak sometime."


Peter was in the middle of stopping a mugging, attacking the perpetrator by webbing him to the alley wall and handing the teenager her wallet, when he noticed a car parked outside the building on his right.

This was not an unusual thing in itself, except that he recognized the vehicle, and after it had pulled up, it just continued to sit there obviously. Peter groaned internally, making sure that the kid was safe and on her way before heading over.

It was unlocked when he pulled open the passenger side door. Happy Hogan, chauffeur extraordinaire and Peter's # Frenemy Fan, sat in the driver's seat.

"I didn't know it was going to snow," Peter led with, because it seemed like a decent idea at the time. Happy rolled his eyes and beckoned him into the car.

"How did you know where I was?" Peter asked, snuggling into the heated seat and brushing the snow off his mask.

"I've been working for Tony for over two decades, I know how to track people down."

That's not intimidating at all. Peter kept quiet after that.

Happy promptly dropped him off at his building. Peter had stashed some sweatpants and a sweatshirt in the backseat, so he pulled those on to disguise his suit before hopping onto the sidewalk.

"I know we're not supposed to tell your aunt about this, but seriously, take some more cold medicine, kid."

And then Happy was off, his car quickly becoming a black dot against white roads at the far end of the street.

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