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You have no idea how long this has been in the running, so I hope you enjoy! Takes place in a world where Age of Ultron goes a little haywire and the Avengers crash on a farm belonging to Peter, Ben, and May.

For those of y'all looking for something unique- I've never seen this done before, it's kinda different tehe

All my farming knowledge is based off Hay Day and my home garden; I tried my best.

Some lines are taken directly from Age of Ultron and aren't mine!

... stands for a transition from Tony central to Peter central or vice versa

Thank you so much for reading! :) If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

"How's the team?"

Tony risks a look around the ship at his slumped and worn down friends. "Everyone's..." he pauses. "We took a hit. We'll shake it off."

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode," Maria says, "and stay away from here."

Tony feels frustration bubble inside him. "So, run and hide."

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

Until we find Ultron. Until we undo your tragic mistake. Hill is right. Tony averts his eyes. "Neither do we," he admits.

Maria's disappointed- yet somehow apathetic, like a middle school teacher- expression disappears in a blip when Tony ends the call.

What are they going to do now?

Suddenly, the ship's alarms start to blare. Bruce jumps awake and the others flinch at the loud noise.

Tony frowns. His ships aren't supposed to malfunction.

Another thing gone wrong.


This-this is it. A small, stupid piece of metal, lurching through the sky, about to bring down the six of them. About to kill Tony's friends. His Icarus-like mistake, the climax of his dreams. He'd hoped he'd have a little more time. God, if anyone lives through this, they're going to hate his guts even more.

"Stark!" Clint yells, throwing Tony out of his panic attack. The ship is really shaking now. Everyone's at the dash, holding onto something and watching the readings on the screens. When Tony glances out the side window, he can see clouds disappearing and reappearing rapidly. He deduces with his world class mind they're currently falling through the sky.

"Stark, what do we do?!"

"I-I don't know." Tony plunks down at a keyboard and tries to run a diagnostic. "I'll find a way to stabilize."

"Three-hundred feet til impact," Steve says.

Tony knows there's no way. Between his oddly religious belief in the grisly, prophetic dreams he has and the numbers staring him and his teammates in their faces', they will crash.

Thor takes the wheel.

"I see a field, everyone. I'll aim for flat land."

"Get in the middle of the deck, close the doors!" Bruce yells over the rumbling and screeching.

"Fifty feet til impact," Cap barks out, face white, knuckles white, gripping a handhold in one hand and his shield in the other.

Tony's about to defensively retort something along the lines of the helpfulness of Steve's comment, but then,

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