Ocean Sailing Away

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"Tulips, Petey. The blue ones, see?"

Peter, wriggling his hands into garden gloves, nodded at his dad and readied the hose. The sun shone down on him delicately. His angelic face erupted with a giggly smile when his eyes landed on Tony's shirt. Navy blue.

Tony could see the mischief in the boy's eyes, settling in with a sense of belonging; true for every six-year-old.

"Ack!" Tony spluttered as the water hit him full jet shower force. He laughed heartily as he tried to force the water out of his mouth. Ten feet away, Peter began closing the space, running after Tony, his little feet carrying gangling fawn-like legs as fast as he could. Tony fled at mid-speed, letting his son catch up a it. He was by now so doused he looked like a cat someone had dropped in the ocean. Tony swiped the wet hair out of his eyes and watched Peter fondly. The pair ended up by a grove of trees, Peter still attacking Tony with the hose, both of them cracking up.

Peter taunted him playfully the whole time. "Ah-ha, try and stop me! Got you, Dad! Got you again!" Peter snorted again and gave the hose one last wild shake. The water ricocheting off Tony lightly sprayed the boy's face, tickling his nose and chin.

Tony could've happily stayed under the water all day, watching little Peter stick his tongue out at him and smile, the two of them savoring the Sunday in the sun.

Nevertheless, he batted at the water and scooped Peter up in one swift movement. Tony felt Peter's legs kicking halfheartedly, his hands curling in and holding on to Tony's dripping shirt, his head rested on Tony's shoulder as he carried him a the awkward side-angle across the lawn. Peter kept on laughing, a musical sound, trying to catch his breath and form words. "That was super fun! You are so wet! I'll go in and get all the towels!"

Tony whooped with laughter. He was bursting with happiness. He pecked Peter's head, right smack dab in the middle of his tangled chocolate locks.

"Yeah, Bubba, I'm soaked! I'm gonna need a change of clothes."

"I can get my L.L.Bean sweatshirt," Peter said, youthfully drawing out the ee, "but do you think it will fit?"

Tony grinned. My kid, he thought. My peanut kid. I love you so much. Don't ever grow up.

{The End}

Writing this really came for the jugular, to quote Michael Clifford it "made me feel things" (I'm feeling eloquent, as you can tell).

I usually dislike the phrase "don't ever grow up", but I thought it fit here *shrugs* and I have never written something THIS fluffy or domestic. Now I'm trash for bio!dad-

The title isn't super relevant but I got it from the John Lennon song 'beautiful boy' :)

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Or comment just to say hi! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

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