Spiderman's Secrets

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This was written for a prompt left on Ao3! Bio kid au clashed with identity reveal and Steve Rogers appreciation :D

Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for reading! If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

*** Peter POV ***

Being Tony Stark's kid always ensured a few things in Peter's life.

One- you had barrels and barrels of nice, expensive clothing, but it stayed folded in the closet 80% of the time for fear of getting oil or burn marks from the lab on it.

Two- no one went anywhere without snacks. (Whether Tony was hungry all the time or just very mother-hen-like, Peter hadn't discovered yet.)

And three- quiet, normal mornings didn't exist. They only meant something was up and you just hadn't gotten tangled up in it yet.

This theory, particularly the final part of it, proved itself while Peter lounged in the den, catching up on his favorite TV shows when he should have been doing homework.

With his enhanced hearing, he could hear footsteps outside in the hallway, and moments later, Tony was by his side.

"Hey buckaroo." The man patted Peter's shoulder lightly and smiled. "You seen any of my nano supplies around?"

Alarm bells started going off furiously in Peter's head, but he forced himself to pause his show and grin back at his dad. "Erm, no?" he replied, trying (and probably failing) to not sound suspicious.

Tony seemed oblivious enough. "My materials have been going missing, more and more by the day, for a month or two now. I think it's an intern. Betting on Richard, or that 21-year-old who's name I've forgotten. Gotta fire somebody, yeah? This stuff isn't cheap."

Peter swallowed. "Yeah." Then, to make the lie more believable, "Richard's always been nice to me, and a 21-year-old probably has more thievery motives." Sorry, random intern, Peter thought to himself with a small cringe as he threw the person under the bus. It's all for the people Spiderman is helping.

"You think?" Tony chuckled. "Alright, it's decided. Thanks, kiddo, I'll stop interrupting...whatever the hell this is."

"Excuse me," Peter said playfully, "I take offense. You just have it out for Netflix because they took away the Iron Man profile picture."

"Don't even speak of it!" Tony pretended to wipe a tear from his eye as he closed the door behind him. "Get up and stretch once in a while, and don't watch any MA shit or anything."

"I know!" Peter called after him, the spitting image of teenhood.

Well. That didn't go well.


A few days later, Tony still hadn't cottoned on to Peter's scheming. The 21-year-old was 'politely asked to relocate,' and Peter had continued building and working on his suit, not letting his guilt about lying stop him.

His first real mission with the Avengers came sooner than expected. Captain America himself actually knew the NY area well, and Peter had gone on patrol the other night and found a note from the hero at one of his usual spots; an invitation to come crack a case with the team the next afternoon.

After lots of debilitating and jumping up and down with excitement, Peter had hurried home, trying to think of somewhere he could tell Tony he was going the next day.

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