The Ace Base

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So, we have a lot going on here~

This is a wild family reunion-vibe oneshot set post-Endgame. Everyone has survived their individual strives (but the snap/five year age ~thing~ happened like normal in canon), everyone is getting along, and everyone is twelve years older and wiser. There's a bit of mild language, a bit of parksborn, and a bit of stucky, as well of loads of other characters and whatnot (although it focuses mostly on Morgan). Yelena is also one of the most amazing characters out there, she completely owns my heart, so I hope I honored that in writing her for the first time!

I've been writing a ton of ace Peter lately (in this house we love projecting), but I actually wanted to post this one, so I hope you enjoy this mess of fluff!

Thank you so much for reading! :) If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

"I'm running to the store!"

Peter awoke, slightly unpleasantly, to his adopted father screaming through the house.

Pepper screamed back from what sounded like the kitchen. "Running to the store, or flying to the store?"

"Retirement doesn't matter when we have a guestlist of fifty for tonight!"

"For Pete's sake, take the car, please!"

Peter stretched and lifted his head off the pillow with a small giggle. Pepper had started to forgo the more intense cuss words in that phrase for Pete's sake , and Peter himself still wasn't used to it.

Grumbling with sleepiness, he dragged himself out of his bedroom in his pajamas, knowing it was useless to get changed before he had his coffee. He shuffled into the kitchen, and Pepper, who was ferociously tidying in sweats, her hair up in a bun, handed him a mug absentmindedly.

"Wasn't this dinner party his idea, anyways?" Peter said, yawning.

Pepper smirked. "Unfortunately, as you know, none of us have come to our senses and stopped listening to those by now. Morgan's just hiding in her room, refusing to help at this point."

"It's nine a.m. on a Sunday, and she's seventeen- I'm not quite sure what you expected, Mom."

"Just take your coffee and go to work. You can come back when you've adopted a more can-do attitude."

Peter laughed out loud and dodged the tiny spray of water Pepper then aimed at him from the sink. He was limber and flexible for going on thirty, probably thanks to the spider powers.

"Fine. Call me with any chocolate fudge or cheesecake emergencies."


The drive to work was a peaceful one, besides the fact that Peter's phone was dinging relentlessly the entire time with texts from his family. He was regretting telling them to reach out if they needed to more and more by the minute.

Getting the Avengers & Co all in one spot for a meal was a harder feat than it seemed. The idea had come to Tony some insomnia-ridden night weeks ago, and Peter, the fool that he was, had told Tony to leave him be and call Morgan when his phone had started ringing in the wee hours of the morning. He worked long hours, okay?

Unfortunately, Morgan had a tendency to agree to most anything her dad proposed, so since she'd picked up after Peter that day, invitations were already in the mail by the time the sun had set again.

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