Curiosity (Didn't) Kill the Cat

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A conversational drabble set in an mcu where nothing's changed. This was born out of watching Iron Man III way too many times! Yay!

The recorded message was taken directly from the movie, I did not write it.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Or comment just to say hi! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

To Peter Parker, it seemed there were a few things harder than fighting crime.

One: Cooking dinner. Real dinner, mind you, with fresh vegetables, and the usage of the stove.

Two: Not fighting crime.

Peter stood transfixed in the center of the kitchen. Aunt May was on a late shift, so she'd told him to make himself dinner and skip patrol so she wouldn't worry. He was on the home stretch of cooking vegetable fried rice. Nothing's burnt yet became Peter's calming mantra in between stirs, but he waited for the relieved sigh until dinner was on the table.

Propping his feet on the table like he always did home alone, (because that was the extent of his rebellion outside of Spider-Man), Peter sat down and began eating. He tried to take his time and drag the meal out, because he was very much not looking forward to a boring evening in the apartment.

An hour and a half later, Peter figured he was really out of ideas to keep himself company. The boy was a ball of pent-up energy usually spent swinging through the streets of Queens. He couldn't go thirty seconds without tapping his feet, snapping his fingers, brushing his hands through his hair, cracking his knuckles, or all of the above. So, Peter decided to get on his Spider-Man brainstorming server.

He set it up in his room. The glow of holographic panels, drawings, and papers showered his walls. He set up his holographic lab table over his real desk.

"Hey Karen."

"Hi Peter. How are you today?"

"Ah, fine, bored. A little tinkering going on here. Remember the project I started with Mr. Stark, taking past Iron Man model details and creating different future Spider-Man suits? What's the number?"

"00154, Peter."

"That's the one, K."

A few icons on the west wall hologram lit up, and the work Peter had last left off on appeared in front of him. With a smile of anticipation, he began leafing through old blueprints and recordings of Tony's, tagging what he thought could be interesting and playing it out on his suit's mods.

The whole thing made Peter pleasantly nostalgic. Whenever he heard Mr. Stark's voice as of a decade ago, swiftly talking his way through one of the first Iron Man specs ever, Peter got this rocky tingling sensation in his head. Like an emotion of elated meets shocked meets sad; that's how Peter felt.

After a while, Peter had been working diligently.



'I think, for tonight's consciousness, I've exhausted the stuff from 2008-2010. Can you take me forward a few years?"

"Yes." A beat of silence, and then Karen continued, "Everything on Mr. Stake's server from 2011-2014 has been added to your project's database. One or more files don't appear to have anything to do with the building of the Iron Man suit."

Peter frowned. What was that supposed to mean?


"Bringing things around, Peter. This is a recorded message of Mr. Stark's from Winter of 2013, transferred from a phone booth in Rose Hill, Tennessee."

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