Dealing With Reunions

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I thought about making this a simple fix-it for the lake scene in Homecoming, but then I was like nah... fortune favors the bold lmao. I hope you guys like lots of soft fluff. This takes place about a year-ish after the snap back/Endgame climax :) 

Not Endgame compliant (Tony lives) or Far From Home/No Way Home complaint- but it is pretty much Love and Thunder complaint lol. Go figure, I adored that movie and wanted to stick it in here XD

Read as you see fit here- warnings for some anxiety. Guaranteed happy ending!

Enjoy <3

Peter's idea of a good Friday night was not dragging himself out of a lake, panting heavily and then coughing up a lung on the shore. Definitely not his worst Friday, though. Maybe a solid five out of ten.

I probably walked right into that one, he silently thought to himself, wringing out his mask in the dark. Peter would be the first to admit that experimenting with his new mini-wings on top of a building- in the dark- with no one around- was not his brightest idea. But Karen didn't have any crime to bust on her records, and the gliders are (were, before they got soaked) brand new. Sue him for wanting to try out his and Tony's most recent innovation.

They worked better than the tiny ones that were on his first suit, so at least there was that. But the thin material that was supposed to cut back on air resistance ripped in half within a minute, and aiming for the water when they were falling was what all the people in the movies did, right?

The lengths Peter went to for an adrenaline rush were truly astonishing. These were his last few months, though, before he'd begin his first year at college- it was currently November 7th, and he'd deferred, planning to start January 6th.

And so, an accidental bucket list had been formed, born out of Peter's desire to spend his time as best he could. Everything so far had been harmless enough. Pull an all-nighter watching t.v., work part-time, teach May to cook. (Okay, the last one had resulted in one fire and two stomach aches, so perhaps not harmless, but the point still stood.) And he didn't have a death wish. He just wanted to try some experimenting.

For so long, Spiderman had represented something strange to Peter... He hadn't touched the suit when Tony was in recovery last year, and then when he did again, it was a bit of a rollercoaster. There was no doubt that he'd graduated from local muggings to something much more dangerous, being an Avenger and all. And it scared him, as much as he didn't want it to. He wanted to help so badly, but sometimes, it felt like it was at the risk of his own sanity.

Either way, he was back to his patrols now. And when things got too overwhelming, or a more notorious baddie had their sights on Peter, he was mature enough to know how to send a distress signal instead of handling it all on his own. (That had been a long conversation last February. Tony, May, and Happy made a terrifying team.)

Sensing that it was time to call it quits, Peter did exactly that, opening the holographic computer extension on his wrist and swiping a few things with his thumb. His breathing was still irregular, and his lungs still burned with every inhale, so he gently laid himself down in the grass and tried to calm down. The distress signal was successful, so Tony- or somebody else- would be there soon.

The whole thing was drenched in deja-vu, if Peter was honest with himself. The Vulture event had been a while ago, but apparently not enough of a while for the memories to leave Peter's brain. At least no one was yelling at him right now. Getting scolded directly after getting dropped in a lake was not fun, something he knew from experience, and it would've definitely made his current spiral spiral faster.

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