Tis the Season

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Happy holidays everyone! What can I say, some days you wanna write bamf Peter and other days you wanna write cute four-year-old Peter xD So we've got some tiny tot Irondad feat. Ironstrange

Thank you so much for reading! :) If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

Bye :)

Tony smiles as the car rumbles down the cobbled street. Where else would there be a cobbled street in New York? And an empty, quiet one, at that? Tony knows he struck gold today.

When he turns his head, he sees Peter grinning, gazing out of the window, riding shotgun (even though he's probably far too young for that). The toddler gasps as Tony turns a corner and a forest-y area starts to surround their Audi, which is currently at 30mph so they can take it all in.

Keeping one hand on the wheel, Tony drags his eyes from the uncharacteristically beautiful New York scenery and looks at Peter.

He claps his son's shoulder lightly and says, "well, you wanted to go for a drive, kiddo. Whaddya think?"

Peter smiles wide, eyes alight. "So cool. But where are the hol'day lights?"

Tony knows it would take a ton of money to get this whole area of land around them decorated with lights- money he has, maybe he'll get on that this week and bring Peter back here for the fun of it.

Either way, he just says, "I dunno. It looks nice even without any lights, though."

Peter begins telling Tony all about how he would decorate the Tower with lights if he could in that cute little youngster voice of his. Tony makes hums of agreement and indulges him for a few minutes before Peter's attention span inevitably peaks and he starts fiddling with the radio.

Peter's tiny hands twist and turn the nobs, and he makes faces at the songs he doesn't like the sound of. He stops at a holiday music station, and the two sing along to the Dreidel song as the sun shines on their faces, reflecting off the snow.

Tony and Stephen are both your textbook atheists, but Tony stopped worrying about Peter and his religion a year or two ago. The family decided to try and expose him to everything there was to offer and let him gravitate towards however he feels once he's older.

The next song that comes on is "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer". Peter hops up and down in the seat and listens to the classic play softly on the dashboard's speaker.

By the time they've gotten to the chorus, Peter is frowning. He nudges Tony and says, "why are the other reindeer mean?"

Uh oh, emotions, Tony thinks with a hint of self-deprecating sarcasm, but Peter's question is a valid one.

He sighs softly, and tries to say as kindly as he can, "I think the other reindeer were bullies, Peter. They were bad reindeers."

"They only like Rudoff after he helps. Why didn' they like him before? He was just as nice before."

"I don't know, buddy. I bet you would've been a very nice reindeer, though, huh?"

"I would love to be reindeer," the boy muses, pure as ever. Tony chuckles and says, "me too."

"Reindeers can fly. It'd be cool to fly."

Tony mock-scoffs and teasingly says, ruffling Peter's curls, "Ironman takes you flying all the time!"

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