Belief In Each Other ("To Think" Part 2)

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Because one (1) person asked for a sequel (DemigodOfAgni, you're lovely and you deserve the whole wide world)

Thank you so much for reading! 

I honestly hope this is good because it was pretty wild to write and I'm feeling insecure lol but we don't talk about that,,, In fact I'm currently finishing writing this with my computer at 6% in the middle of a parking lot during a brewing storm soo I'm nothing if not dedicated :3

Also I made Tony a little shit in this (plus I gave him a part, shocker) which was all fun so get ready

If you have any Irondad oneshot ideas, feel free to comment about what I could write! Have a great day/night!

((peter pov))

"So? Good as new?"

"Better than new, I've been lying here for two and a half days," I moan melodramatically. "Hand over the discharge form."

Harley waves the form, complete with all signatures but mine, in front of my face tauntingly. "Walk first."


"Please?" My boyfriend widens his eyes and juts out his bottom lip, hunching his shoulders innocently.

I laugh, gesturing at his expression: "Pitiful," but stand and pace the length of the room regardless to satisfy him. Seeing me steady and healed, Harley goes ahead and feigns a quick signature for me, tucking the papers into the pocket of my jacket and wrapping it around my shoulders.

"Come on," he urges, leading the way out. "I bet you're starving, and Tony has been stockpiling donuts like crazy. We'll text Ned and MJ, share the good news you're up and at 'em, then start together on that stupid book you have to read for summer work."

If I had a nickel for every person surrounding me, looking out for me, I think fondly, tucking my hand in Harley's and fighting down a happy blush.


We enter the Compound's huge but somehow cozy kitchen, grabbing island seats. I dig into my chocolatey, frosting-covered lunch as Tony walks in, nodding at me and giving Harley a gentle punch on the shoulder.

"Someone's looking hale and whole again," Tony comments good naturedly, glancing at me.

"Except I was never really unwhole," I defend, making both Tony and Harley scoff.

"You've gotta be kidding me with this again," Harley says.

"You guys are just fussy, I was fine," I insist, a smile dancing on my lips. Tony takes a long sip of his coffee as if exhausted by the conversation. He ruffles my hair and smirks.

"Sure. We're fussy. I'm still shocked you two nearly got yourselves killed at an event for senior citizens."

"It's a long story," Harley tells him through a mouthful of glazed donut.

"Bad guys who want money, or whatever; you know the drill, Mr. Stark," I shrug. "Harley tried to swing us home on the insistence he's been practicing and training, but- wait," my voice rises higher and I eye Harley suspiciously, who now has a mischievous glint to his eyes.

"What?" Tony asks.

"You didn't give me my web shooters back, Harls!" I exclaim.

"That'd be correct," he replies.

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