12. Dream Or Reality

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     "Zayn..." I moaned softly as I felt his soft lips press against my neck, his hands slipping their way underneath my shirt. His mouth found his way back to my lips, as he deepened the kiss. I pushed him backwards so he laid on the sofa, and pulled his shirt over her head to reveal a set of abs, along with a toned upper body. I bit my lip as I sunk down as I started a trail of short, soft kisses from his abs and up. I reached lips once again, licking his bottom lip before attaching our lips together. His tongue begged for entrance, so I parted my mouth open. His sweet taste meshed with mine as our tongues met. I moaned into his mouth as I grinded against his hardening crotch.

     A nervous cough awoken me, as well as interrupting my dream. "Wh-" I began, then stopped myself as I looked at the TV screen, rolling with credits as the movie we were watching was over. I groaned, again, I had fallen asleep on Zayn. I looked up into his eyes and blushed, thinking of the dream I just had. "I fell asleep again, didn't I?" I asked, embarrassed. "You're quite entertaining to watch, so it's okay." He teased with a wink. I knitted my eyebrows together, becoming slightly mortified. "Oh my god, what did I do." I asked, sitting up instead of lying on his chest. "All I know is that you had a good dream, judging from your moans of my name." He said with a smirk on his face. I let out a frustrated groan, this was so embarrassing. "It's okay, I have those dreams too." He winked. I threw a pillow at him, unsure if he was being serious or just mocking me. "Hey!" He yelped as he dodged the pillow. "So...I was thinking..." He said as I stuck my tongue out at him for his last remark. "That we should go out tonight, for dinner." He suggested.

     It had been a week after T4 on the Beach, but Little Mix and One Direction were still the number one radar in the press. They wouldn't let go of the whole Zerrie incident, they wanted the inside scoop. Sometimes, I just wish I could have privacy. I couldn't do anything I wanted without having people constantly following me, unless I was in disguise. But I guess that's what I signed up for when I auditioned for X Factor; it's what everyone in this business signed up for.

     As for Zayn, I could tell he was trying his best to win me over again. We hadn't gone out in public though, we both felt like it was too much and it wouldn't benefit us. Well, I did, but if he wanted to take me out, I probably wouldn't protest. And so I didn't protest.

     "Sure, that would be nice." I agreed, propping myself up against the sofa. Though it had been a week, we really didn't do that much. Zayn came over, we would watch movies, then I would probably fall asleep. The most contact we made was probably cuddling, by accident. Every time I almost fall asleep, my body just finds my way to his, it's like the natural instinct. I had told myself that I would give him a second chance, and I felt like he hadn't been taking that for granted. He really wanted to prove himself to me that he was worth a second chance. I smiled at myself, I felt like he had already won me over.

     "What are you smiling about?" He asked as he caught my smile. "You." I replied softly. I could see the happiness in his eyes, as a smile spread on his face. "Well, I have a meeting with the boys and management, I'll pick you up at 7." He said as he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "Sound good, bye!" I said cheerfully as I watched him leave the flat. I glanced at the clock. 5:00. Two hours to get ready, I could do this.

     I had settled on a black dress that was layered on the bottom with a sheer material that came a little above the knee. I cinched the waist with a simple, black belt that had delicate sewing artwork on it. I slipped on my favourite black bracelet that was embroidered with small, silver droplets. I had pulled out a pair of platform nude heels with a slight shimmer of gold. I stared at myself in the mirror, playing with my hair, wondering if I should wear it up or down. I went natural, letting the soft curls of my hair toss around as I tried to tame the wild pieces. I had also had gone light on the makeup, just natural light, nude eye shadow. I lined my eyes with liner, adding a touch of mascara to finish the look. I looked at the clock that read 6:55. I hurriedly applied my rosy pink lipstick and gloss and went to grab my clutch, catching myself in the mirror again. Good, it wasn’t too much, but it wasn’t too less. Hopefully Zayn would like it. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I let out a small yelp, it was time.“Coming!” I called out as I made my way to the door. I opened the door, revealing the handsome Zayn, dressed to his best. He wore a white dress shirt paired with a black tie. It was basic, but on him, it looked absolutely dashing. “You look amazing.” He complimented as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed lightly, “As do you.” I replied with a smile. He took my hand and led me towards his car.

     After a fifteen minute drive, we had arrived at the restaurant. Not only just a restaurant, I recognized the elegant and sleekness edge to the design of the building. It was where Zayn had taken me on our first date. Memories filled my head as we walked hand-in-hand into the restaurant. I remembered just talking to him for hours, figuring him out, finding our differences and more of commonality. “I love this place.” I remarked as a hostess lead us to a secluded booth. Again, the lighting was dimmed, with candles flickering brightly around all angles. The hostess left us with a menu as she greeted other customers. “I’m glad you brought me here again.” I said our eyes met. “I figured it was the place we really got to understand each other, maybe it would help sort our differences.” He explained with a mere smile. “I know it will.” I said.

Two hours later

     “I just miss my family I guess.” Zayn said, sitting back in his car seat as he parked in front of my flat. “Every time I do see them, it feels like it’s been a year since I last saw them.” I looked at him as he looked down, obviously thinking of the times he had missed them. “Just two weeks ago I couldn’t be home in time for my sister’s birthday, I had to ship the iPhone that I had bought her instead of giving to her in person. I just wish I could have witnessed her reaction, instead of through a phone call of text.” I bit my lip, not really knowing what to say. I couldn’t say I totally related to him, because I didn’t. The farthest I’ve been away from home was Ireland. “I’m sure they feel the same way, but this is your job, I’m sure they understand.” I said softly. “Yeah, I guess, but still doesn’t stop me from being homesick.” “Well, why aren’t you home now? Instead of being here…” I asked as it didn’t really make sense to me. “Perrie, we haven’t talked in a whole month, only at T4 on the Beach. I need to make things right with you before I go home, otherwise I would just be sidetracked and I wouldn’t be happy.” I looked down; it was a subject that I wanted to avoid. I just didn’t know how to address it to him that I really didn’t care about the past I just wanted to move on, for us to be a happy couple in love. “Let’s talk inside okay? Jade’s out tonight.” I suggested. He nodded in agreement as he quickly got out of the car and opened the door for me.

     We settled on the sofa as I put my clutch down on the table. “I’m sorry I didn’t really prove anything to you tonight…” He started.I grabbed his hand, my thumb moving back and forth on the back of his hand. “Zayn, you don’t have to prove anything to me. I know I was the one that said I didn’t know if I could trust you again, but honestly I thought it over, and the answer is of course I can.” I paused a little while before continuing, “The last few times that we’ve had…problems, they’ve all been misunderstandings. They really had nothing to do with who you are, and truthfully you’re this amazing, sweet guy that I can talk to at all times, who’ll just be there for me. And that’s who I trust and love, you.” I said softly as I looked deep into those caring, pretty eyes of his. He let out a sigh of relief, “I’m so glad we’re past this now.” He said, smiling. “I am too.” I replied, a small smile spreading on my face as he leaned in closer. His lips pressed against mine, the start of a first real kiss we’ve had in weeks. “I’ve missed this.” He said as he leaned in for a deeper kiss.

     "Zayn..." I moaned softly as I felt his soft lips press against my neck, his hands slipping their way underneath my shirt. His mouth found his way back to my lips, as he deepened the kiss. I pushed him backwards so he laid on the sofa, and pulled his shirt over her head to reveal a set of abs, along with a toned upper body. I bit my lip as I sunk down as I started a trail of short, soft kisses from his abs and up. I reached lips once again, licking his bottom lip before attaching our lips together. His tongue begged for entrance, so I parted my mouth open. His sweet taste meshed with mine as our tongues met. I moaned into his mouth as I grinded against his hardening crotch. Maybe this was the start of a dream come true, literally.

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