3. Baffled

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     “Perrie, wake up, we have an interview in an hour!” Somebody shouted in my ear while shaking me. I didn’t want to. Everything was groggy and I felt like death. I had a massive headache and I just wanted to sleep all day. “Noooo…” I mumbled as I pulled up the covers and curled into a ball, but I was dragged out of bed anyway. I knew we had a million interviews lined up from today and well, for the rest of the week. I stood up from the floor Leigh had pulled me onto. “I feel like death.” I groaned as I dragged myself into the bathroom to get ready.

     We all got ready and got in our SUV to get to Daybreak. On our way there, I tried to remember what happened. I knew I said I wasn’t going to drink but then somehow Zayn had gotten me to drink, and well I didn’t remember anything after that other than the fact that I had fun. I looked over at Leigh, Jesy and Jade, but they looked pretty beat. They probably didn’t remember anything either. We got to our destination as we were guided to the set of Daybreak. My day was instantly brightened as I saw Zayn and the rest of One Direction there as well.

     “Hey Zayn!” I greeted him as I walked over to him. He gave me a stare which the more I looked into it looked more like a cold glare. He then turned around to talk to Harry. I stopped in my tracks, utterly confused. Why was he giving me the cold shoulder? I was even more confused as a set of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. “Good morning gorgeous.” A deep voice coated with a thick Irish accent whispered into my ear. “Uh…What are you doing?” I asked baffled as I pushed myself away from Niall and faced him in disgust. He stared at me for a few moments, “Do you not remember last night?” He asked, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. We were interrupted by the director calling us over to get ready for the show.

     His question lingered in my mind. Do you not remember last night? No, I didn’t. What exactly happened last night? I guess I wouldn’t know until the interview was over. I saw Zayn look over at me as I was getting the mic on me. As I caught his eye, he gave me a look that I couldn’t describe, but it made me feel absolutely guilty, even though I didn’t know what for.

     The interview went by fast, they asked questions about how it was like winning, did we ever think we would win, X Factor, and everything like that. I thought everything was going fine, at least until Holly Willoughby started asking me questions that made me think of last night. “So Perrie, you had a good celebration on winning last night yes?” She asked. “Erm, I supposed.” I answered with a smile. “Well, we don’t suppose, we know.” She laughed as she gestured at the TV screen. “Can you tell us a bit about that?” On screen, was a photo of Niall and I…kissing? The picture was blurry and it was dark. No way was that Niall and I…but it did make sense; Niall coming up behind me, Zayn…oh my god Zayn. I snapped out of my train of thoughts and realised that everyone was just staring at me. Onset or off, they were waiting for my reaction. “Uhm…” I mumbled. I didn’t even remember that happening last night. “It’s complicated.” I said, having decided on what to say. It must be the right thing to have said because it was the truth, it was damn complicated.

     “I don’t know what happened last night Zayn, I don’t even remember it but I promise that I have no feelings towards Niall, at all. Please don’t be angry at me.” I pleaded with Zayn as soon as I got off the set of the interview. “I don’t want to talk about it Perrie.” He said without facing me, his tone stone cold. Something about what he said just ticked me off. Perhaps it was the fact that I got angry easily, but I didn’t care. “In my defence, you got me drunk.” I retorted and headed into the dressing room.

Zayn’s POV

     She was crazy. First she led me on, made out with one of my best friends then told me it was my fault that she got drunk. She didn’t even remember a single thing that happened last night and she accused me. She made me so angry.

     “Harry you don’t understand. I liked her then she just goes for Niall.” I said exasperated. “But you still like her don’t you?” He asked. “I don’t even know anymore Harry.” I said softly. Maybe I did, or maybe I didn’t. Maybe I was just confused.

Perrie’s POV

     It was a bad idea to go on twitter. The top trend was ‘Perrie Niall and Zayn.’ Once I had seen the trend I knew I shouldn’t have clicked into it, but I did. It had been a long day of interviews, I was tired and vulnerable. I felt lost and sad, but I was even more upset as I saw the disgusting and rude tweets on Twitter. The top tweet showed a photo of Niall and I in the club, as well as of photo of Zayn and I from the other day when he gave me a ride back to the X Factor out. “Perrie’s such a slut! Niall AND Zayn, seriously she better not be giving them diseases.” I read through countless tweets that were calling me a slut, a whore, etc. Tears filled my eyes as realisation sunk in. Everybody thought I was fooling around with Niall and Zayn when they didn’t even know the truth. I was with neither.

Zayn’s POV

     “People don’t realise how much words can hurt… :( ” was what Perrie’s tweet was. I knew she was upset, I had seen the tweets, hell they were worse than hate tweets to me or any of the other boys. I knew I had to do something. She was genuinely upset and what she said to me back at Daybreak, it was probably true. She didn’t feel anything for Niall. I dialled Liam’s number. “Mate, I need your help. Help me get Perrie’s number.” I said. I needed to fix this. Perrie was unlike any other girl I had even met, I didn’t want her just for a shag, I wanted a relationship. She didn’t deserve any kind of this hate. I just needed to tell her I was sorry, hopefully that would fix everything.

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