14. Kiss Me

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     "So why exactly are we all here?" I whined as I stole a fry off of Niall's plate. He shot me a glare but kept quiet. Niall never yelled at me for all the times I had stolen his food, it was probably because he secretly admired that I ate just as much as him. "No clue, management wants publicity for both of us or something." Louis said bitterly, letting out a sigh. I knew he had cancelled a date with Eleanor just for this. It was really sad how our lives revolved around an instruction that management put out for us. We all sat around in a big booth in Nandos, having eaten to our fullest. "Aren't you two supposed to act broken up?" Leigh spoke up, eyeing Zayn and I. He sat across me, catching my gaze as I admired his flawless face. I had still not managed to come to terms that I was dating him. He was perfect and I was, well I was me. "Just because we're sitting across from each other doesn't mean we have to be dating." Zayn stated. "Yeah it actually does when you're both making goo goo eyes at each other!" Jesy exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "Lay off on us Jess!" I said. "Did Will talk to you yet?" I added, directing my question to Zayn. "He warned me about consequences and how we better not be lying to him about breaking up." He scoffed. "As if I'll listen to him." He added. I bit my lip; he kept bringing up the "consequences" but really were they that bad? Again, negative turn outs of our situation filled my mind.

     "Isn't he bumping our flight to LA up a day earlier?" Niall questioned as he shoved the last fry into his mouth. My attention turned from my thoughts to Zayn immediately. "What! Why?" I exclaimed. "Yeah he told us he scheduled an interview on the Ellen show so we had to go there earlier. I swear he did it on purpose so we have less time together..." He explained, muttering the last sentence under his breath. "So you guys are leaving in two days then?" Jade asked. "Yeah, I'm so excited to get a tattoo there. I already called them up too." Harry answered with pure excitement in his eyes. "A tattoo of what?" Louis asked. "A ship." He answered, gesturing on his arm where he wanted it. Jesy let out a snort, "Because you ship Larry Stylinson?" She blurted out teasingly. She received a glare from Louis. We all knew how touchy he was on that subject. Harry, on the other hand was the least affected by the subject. "You know it. Speaking of Larry, I think we should all bond yeah? It's been a while. I meant the boys. Unless you girls want to join..." Harry said with a teasing smirk and a wink. "Nobody wants you Haz, dream on." Jade said. Harry pouted at her before turning to Zayn and Niall. "You guys wanna go up to the bungalow for the next two days? I'm going back home anyways and we haven't really hung out." Harry offered. "I'm actually thinking of going back home to Ireland before going to America. Sorry mate." Niall said as he slouched back in his seat. Louis and Liam were obviously going to be busy with their girlfriends. "Zayn?" Harry looked at him expectantly. He shook his head, "I wanna spend time with Perrie." He explained. "Well bring her!" Harry exclaimed. "Don't you think that's kind of awkward?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Harry would be definitely third-wheeling. "Fine then, looks like Jade's right. I'm rejected by all." He said, looking down. "No no no it's a great idea!" Zayn said excited, as if he had thought of some master plan. "We all head up to Holmes Chapel. We drop Harry off at home and me and Pez head over to the bungalow! Will won't suspect a thing if Perrie says she's going back to South Shields or something. He'll think I'm with you." Zayn explained. My eyes lit up, it was a good plan, well a plan where I could spend time with Zayn was always a good one. "Again, I'm rejected but I'll go along with it, only because I love you Zayn." Harry teased. I rolled my eyes, "You guys are such a cute couple." I joked. I was happy now, well not entirely because in two days Zayn would be in America, but at least I could spend the last two with him before I experienced a whole month or more without him.

     After the hang out with both bands I rushed back to the flat to pack for our little trip to Harry's bungalow. I was so excited to spend time with Zayn, not in my flat or his, just somewhere secluded where no one could interrupt us. The more I thought about the trip though, the more I thought about Zayn going to America. Last time he went, he didn't tell me. Also, there were misunderstandings so he ended up ignoring me the whole time he was over there. This time however, was going to be different. Our relationship was on a good end, nothing bad could happen. Except for the fact that I would be missing him so terribly much. I don't think I would be able to cope with it. Again, I had to think about the positives though. Our second single was going to be released, and soon after that our debut album was going to be released. I sighed as a text interrupted me from my blue thoughts. "We're outside. X x" Zayn had texted. It was time to go and time to stop thinking negatively. Positive was the way to go.

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