2. Wasted

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     It has been weeks since I had last saw Zayn. I was hoping he had forgotten about the text because I knew I was going to see him today. However, I had bigger worries. This was the moment. It was either us or Marcus Collins. I couldn’t believe that we were actually in the final and had a chance of winning. The nerves I was feeling were indescribable. I never really had gotten super nervous before performing, but tonight was the final, it was in Wembley arena and it was definitely nerve-wracking. We had just gotten off stage after performing our potential first single, “Cannonball.”

     “Oh my god Jade I am so nervous. What if we don’t win.” I rambled to Jade, jumping up and down to shake off some nerves. “It’ll be fine Perrie. It’s just like any other live result show…we can do this.” She said with a warm smile while embracing me in a tight hug. “Thanks baba.” I said. She gave me a smile and left to go talk to the finalists that had all came back for the final. I plopped down on a bench beside Leigh-Anne. I could see that she was staring at Derry with dreamy eyes. “You should just go and talk to him. It’s not like you’re strangers.” I said to her, and she listened. “You know what, I will.” She said, standing up and walking over to The Risk. I grinned, maybe they would fall in love and they looked perfect together anyway.

     Just as Leigh left, Zayn came over and sat down next to me. “Hey you.” He greeted me. “Hey, good job up there; it was a really intriguing show.” I said with a smile. “Oh really?” He asked, eyebrows raised. I nodded, “Nine fit guys, five from One Direction and four from JLS, all crammed together on one stage. I’m sure nobody’s eyes left you guys.” I teased, chuckling.

     “You think I’m fit?” He asked with a smirk. “I didn’t exactly say that did I?” I said, blood rushing to my cheeks. “Your text from Jade seemed to say otherwise.” He said with a laugh. I was horrified, he didn’t forget, he actually remembered. I was so going to kill Jade. “That was…that was uhm…” I mumbled as I struggled to find the words. What was I supposed to say to that anyways? “Well who wouldn’t want to.” I blurted out. God I was so stupid, wrong thing to say. He chuckled, “I know.” He smirked. “You nervous for tonight?” He added. “Yes…I can’t believe we actually have a chance of winning. It’s just like wow, it’s unreal.” I replied, secretly so glad he changed the subject.

     “Come on Perrie we have to go on stage soon.” Jesy called out to me. “Good luck babe.” He said with a smile and pulled me into a tight and reassuring hug. God it felt so right being in his arms. “Also I wouldn’t mind snogging you either.” He whispered into my ear as he hugged me. Oh my god, as if Zayn Malik from One Direction just said that to me. He let go of me as I walked over to the girls, utterly confused. Me? An ordinary girl from South Shields was one Zayn would like to snog. Oh my god.

     I clutched Tulisa and Jesy’s hand tightly as we walked out on stage. I put on a smile, but inside I was so nervous. This was it. “And the winner of X Factor is…” I heard Dermot say, but I was thinking, how was I supposed to react if we lost, or even if we won? I looked out into the audience, the silence was killing me, my heart was beating hard and fast. “LITTLE MIX!” Dermot announced. I was in shock, I couldn’t even comprehend what was going through my mind. We won? We actually won! I screamed along with the girls and Tulisa. “We actually won!” I exclaimed, jumping up and down as they pulled me into a hug along with Marcus. The shock was still lingering on me. I had a feeling this would last for a very long time.

     As soon as we got backstage when the show was over we all screamed in unison. “We won! We actually won X Factor! Oh my god!” I screamed, I actually was crying happy tears as I hugged all the girls. “This calls for a party! Who’s in?” Leigh-Anne shouted. A group of cheers and ‘yes’ erupted. We were going to go out clubbing tonight. Too bad I didn’t drink.

     “Congrats Perrie!” Zayn called out to me as I was about to follow the girls to the dressing room to change out of our outfits. “Thanks! I can’t believe we actually won!” I exclaimed, still ecstatic over our win while pulling him in for a hug. “See you later at the club then.” He said with a smile. “You’re coming?” I asked, surprised. “Of course, all the boys are.” He replied. “Oh…well see you then.” I said with a grin as I practically pranced back to the dressing room. I was just so happy.

A few hours later

     I sat up at the bar, alone. I could see Leigh, she was wasted and well, I was sober. I didn’t like to drink, not one bit. “You look beautiful tonight.” Somebody said from behind me. I turned around to see Zayn and blushed. “Thanks, not too bad yourself.” I replied. He chuckled, “Not much of a drinker are you?” He asked, eyeing my drink which was indeed Coke. “Nope, got drunk once, hated it and never drunk again.” I said, a little embarrassed if I was being honest. “That’s because you weren’t drinking with the right people. Come on, let me buy you a drink.” He said, “You’ll have a good time I promise, come on you have to celebrate on your win!” He added as he saw me contemplate his offer. “Fine, but it better not end up with me vomiting in the loo, ‘cause that’s not attractive.” I said with a laugh.

40 minutes later

     I was absolutely wasted. By wasted I meant stumbling around and being not able to walk in a straight line at all. Everything was blurry and unclear, but I knew one thing. I was having a great time; a great time dancing with the girls and the One Direction boys. Especially Zayn.   Where was Zayn anyway, he had disappeared for a while now. I needed to thank him for this night. I scanned across the room even though everything was in a blur. I spotted Zayn not too far away. “Zaaaayn!” I shouted. He looked over at me and smiled as I tried to make my way to him but ended falling into someone’s arms. I looked up to see a blonde Irish lad. 

     “Niall….woops.” I giggled as he held me up. I stared at him probably longer than I should have. I was mesmerized by his eyes. They were so crisp and clear and he looked really fit tonight. “You’re fiiiiiiiit.” I slurred out as I let out another giggle as I clung onto him, but he turned me around and held me close. “You’re fit too.” He whispered roughly into my ear as I worked my hips against his. His lips were on my neck as he sucked on my sweet spot. I let out a little moan as he turned me around and crashed his lips on mine hungrily. It felt so right as I kissed him back, totally forgetting about Zayn.

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