4. So Close Yet So Far

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     My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts as I blinked through the tears. It was an unknown caller. I wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks as I pressed ‘answer.’ “Hello?” I called out, my voice cracking from my crying. “Perrie?” It couldn’t be who I thought it was, he didn’t even have my number. I decided to give it a shot. “How did you get my number?” I asked. “I asked Liam to ask Jade…I know you’re mad at me and I just wanted to sa-” He started, but I cut him off. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault and I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It was my choice to get drunk, my choice to kiss Niall back. I’m sorry.” I said apologetically. I heard a sigh of relief at the other end of the line. “And I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you, we’re not even together. You’re free to do what you want, I just thought that you liked me and I liked you so…” He said trailing off as I he didn’t know what else to add.

     So he did like me, I wasn’t delusional. “I do like you…I just, I can’t. Have you been on twitter…?” I mumbled as my eyes trailed back to the computer screen. More hateful tweets had come in, and I just couldn’t take it anymore as I let out a sob. There was a moment of silence. “Perrie please don’t go on twitter. They don’t mean what they say, they don’t know the whole story.” He said, trying to comfort me. “I’m coming over.” He said when I didn’t reply. He hung up before I could even protest or say anything. He didn’t even have my address, unless Jade had given it to him as well. “JADE?!” I yelled. No answer. She must have been out.

     I didn’t bother to make myself look presentable, because I knew the minute I saw him I’d start crying again. I felt so bad, so guilty for kissing his band mate right in front of him. It had been around 10 minutes when I heard a knock at the door. I sighed as I closed my laptop and walked over to the door. I bit my lip as I opened the door. We didn’t need any words, he pulled me into a tight embrace. “Their words don’t mean a thing Perrie…you’re beautiful and nothing can bring you down because you’re perfect.” He said softly as he rubbed my back, comforting me. “Thanks Zayn…” I said as I choked out a small laugh while wiping my tears away. I was just an emotional train wreck today.

     “I mean it.” He said with a smile as he pulled away and looked around my flat. I groaned internally as I followed his gaze to a One Direction poster on the wall. He chuckled and turned to face me. “Care to explain?” He asked with a grin. “I’m a fan okay?! I admit it.” I said laughing as I shut the door. I remembered buying that poster, they had just hit the shops and I immediately went out to get one. I wasn’t crazily obsessed, but I wasn’t just a fan either. Maybe I was just a fangirl that was less screamy.

     “You’ve got a movie to watch or something?” He asked, locking our gazes together. His eyes were really mesmerising, I could just stare at them forever. I shook myself out of my little trance. “Erm yeah well they’re all pretty girly, just ones that Jade and I watch when we’re bored at night.” I said with a small laugh. “They’re over there though.” I said, gesturing to a rack beside the TV. He made his way over to the rack. “Let’s see…Mean Girls, Bring It On, Coyote Ugly, Uptown Girls, P.S. I Love You…and She’s The Man!” He said, “That’s the one.” He said, perhaps overly excited. I cocked my head to one side raising my eyebrow. I decided not to question it. “She’s The Man is it then!” I said grinning as I grabbed the DVD from his hand and popped it into the player.

     I sat back into the sofa waiting for the movie to load. Zayn plopped down beside me, and suddenly I got a rush of nerves. I, Perrie Edwards was about to watch one of my favourite movies with the famous Zayn Malik. I shrugged off the nerves, but still felt them creeping around. I just had to get through the whole movie without acting like a freak.

Nearly 2 hours later

     I could feel someone’s finger gently caressing my face, pushing my hair out of the way. Even though their touch was light, I had awoken from my sleep. Wait, sleep? My eyes shot open as I observed my surroundings. I was leaning on Zayn’s chest while he was still watching the movie. I had fallen asleep on Zayn and left him to watch the movie alone. So much for not acting like the peculiar freak I was. I sat up, immediately attracting Zayn’s attention from the TV screen to me. “Sorry, I fell asleep.” I mumbled. He smirked, “You’re really cute when you sleep.” He commented while I blushed and looked down. “It’s true.” He said softly as he reached over to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. I looked into his eyes; he looked so sincere, so sweet. “Thank you…” I whispered as he leaned in slowly. I couldn’t help but panic. Was he going to kiss me? We were so close, so in the moment. I closed my eyes, wanting to take in the moment as he proceeded to close the gap between us.

     "Pez I’m home!” The door flew open as Jade shouted. We sprang away from each other and both turned to look at Jade. Silence filled the room. “I actually forgot something in the car, I’m gonna…I’m going to go it.” She mumbled as she ran off.

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