24. Inseperable

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     Zayn’s hand was wrapped tightly around mine as I stayed close to him, letting him steer ourselves out of the airport along with a few security guards. I had never seen so many paparazzi in one place, all pressing for questions and photos. The flashing white lights still flickered in my vision as we were escorted into a black van. I was going to lie, that was a scary experience. “That was…” I said, struggling the find the right word. “You’ll get used to it soon enough.” He said with a grim smile. I could tell it wasn’t making him happy; all the questions that were thrown at him, the accusations, and the judgments. It was a wonder how he kept himself intact, if I were him, I would have definitely already broken down. “Where are we headed?” I asked in an excited tone to lift the mood. I was excited; I was in a country where I had never been. It was refreshing. “We’re headed to the venue and a few security guards will bring our luggage to the hotel we’re staying at. I’m really sorry I feel like we’re rushing it and I’m leaving you alone, but I have to rehearse.” He explained and apologised. I shook my head, “No worries Zayn, I understand. Soon I’ll be prepping for my own tour…” I drifted off, thinking about the future. I wondered how fascinating to sell out venues knowing that people were there to hear you sing. The support Little Mix had was already unreal and overwhelming, in a good way of course. "Anyways after tonight you have two days off so we can spend all day together then." I said optimistically. "I really cannot wait." He said with truth as I gave    a small smile.


     They don't know about the things we do
     They don't know about the I love yous
     But I bet you if they only knew
     They would just be jealous of us
     They don't know about the up all nights
     They don't know I've waited all my life
     Just to find a love that feels this right
     Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us


     The boys rehearsed for their show tonight as I sat in a seat among row upon rows. A small smile crept on my face as my attention was focused on Zayn. Our eyes were connected throughout the whole song; his eyes sparkled with truth from the lyrics. He was perfect. His voice, his body, his smile, his chiseled cheekbones, he was just absolutely flawless. I always got in this mood thinking of how lucky I am to have him when I just sit back and watch him perform. It was nice to see him do the same thing I do, it was something in common. I loved singing; I loved the fans, as did he. He and I, as cheesy as it sounds, we were perfect for each other.

     I'm in love with you, and all these little things.

     I heard his soothing voice harmonized with Liam's soft voice as I came back to my senses. I felt my cheeks flush to the colour of crimson as Zayn mouthed 'I love you.' "Perrie!" A female voice intruded my little moment with Zayn. I swiveled my head around in all directions to see who called out my name. My eyes focused on the tall brunette, hair parted down the middle with gorgeous, loose waves. Her eyes twinkled with joy as they met mine. "Eleanor!" I called out as I stood up, embracing her as she approached me. "I didn't know you were coming. So glad you're here, didn't want to be a lonely awkward girl going all out at the show tonight." I joked as I pulled back. "Well Louis flew me in since I have a week break from uni, he thought we could spend it together on the days he has off as well." I nodded in understanding, "Yeah, I have a few days off before we start planning for our tour as well. I'm so excited to be here though, I've never been to LA before." "Oh my gosh we have to go shopping then! The stores here are amazing and Starbucks, don’t even get me started.” She said ecstatically. “I would love to, but I kind of wanted to spend the day with Zayn.” I politely declined. “Nonsense, they’re rehearsing for hours and during those hours we can go shop.” She stated as she grasped my arm and pulled me out of the aisle and down the stairs. “Okay fine.” I submitted to her request, not like I had any other choice. I shot a desperate look at Zayn who merely turned to Louis who shot me a gleeful look. Those lads, I wondered what they were up to.

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