13. Crazy

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     "What do you mean we can't see each other!? We only just started seeing each other again! You think I care about what the fans think about my girlfriend? This is complete bullshit!" Zayn yelled at his manager, Will, his volume rising quickly. "Zayn." I said softly, a little big terrified if I must say. When Zayn got angry, he got angry. It was really scary to see him lose control.

     It was two weeks after our date that fixed everything between Zayn and I, and we had just been keeping our relationship on the low profile. We were talking about going public again, but decided not to as it would run the risk of our relationship being sabotaged, whether it be because of fans, press or paparazzi. Only our close friends and family knew about our getting back together, and of course management. Management was always a party pooper. It seemed that they were okay about our relationship at first, but then today, the flip switched and their attitude changed towards our relationship.

     "Zayn, please calm down and let me explain this to you." Will said calmly as he motioned for Zayn to sit back down. I glanced nervously at Zayn, who huffed and sat back down rigidly. "Alright," Will said, pausing before continuing. "It's not that we do not support your relationship with Ms. Edwards, it is that the relationship is bringing negative publicity towards One Direction and Little Mix. We cannot afford to sabotage your image, and we especially cannot sabotage Little Mix's as they are just starting out." He explained, looking from Zayn to me. This devastated me, but I didn't understand really what was so bad about the publicity. "What do you mean the negative publicity? All we get is hate, all the couples get it." I asked, trying to reason with him by referring to Louis and Eleanor, as well as Liam and Danielle. "You don't understand, you and Zayn have been together for a few months and paparazzi have already snapped him with American fans, you with your ex boyfriend, Zayn and your boyfriend fighting, and so much more. It's not a good image for you, or Zayn. One Direction is clean-cut, Little Mix is clean-cut. Your relationship is not helping out either bands." He tried to reason back with me. I was angry, but Zayn was angrier. I opened my mouth to fight back with another argument but was interrupted by a loud thump on the desk. Zayn's fist had clenched as he brought it down into the wooden desk. "And you think keeping us apart is going to help with anything!? Perrie is my girlfriend! I love her! Keeping me away from her will not help with my image and if you force this upon us I swear to god the photos and articles of me shagging other girls and getting into fights will not be the last." He threatened as he stood up, turned, and walked out of the room. Will was stunned by what he had just heard, sitting upright in his chair. "Look, can't Zayn and I just keep our relationship private as it is now? We won't let anybody spot us, no rumours will start, nothing bad will happen! Please, Will, I'm begging you." I pleaded. He pressed his lips together into a thin line and shook his head. "Can't risk it, I'm sorry Perrie. Your band's debut album is dropping soon, you need to get it up in the charts. Negative publicity, regardless if you're careful or not, will happen. You can't risk it, I can't risk it." He said, his tone ringing with authority. I bit my lip, keeping myself from screaming out what I wanted to say to defend myself and Zayn. A moment of silence passed before he began again. "You and Zayn will not see each other, except for when One Direction and Little Mix are scheduled for events together. Break it off with Zayn, Perrie. If you do not do so and the public finds out, consequences will be made. Now go home and get ready for the album signing session for the fans that pre-ordered your album. Goodbye." He ordered, one thing after another. At this point, my blood was boiling. How dare he tell me what to do with my relationship and my life!? I needed to get out here, fast. I pushed back my chair, stood up and stormed my way out of the office. I was seething.

     I stormed out of the building, knowing I'd find Zayn out smoking. Even though it was broad daylight, paparazzi knew better than to try to snap photos around the Syco building. Security was a major pain in the ass to deal with if they got caught. "Zayn..." I said shakily as I was uncontrollably angered. "He said we had to break it off otherwise there would be consequences." I informed, looking down at the ground. "What consequences?" He scoffed as he threw the cigarette onto the ground and put it out with his foot. I threw my hands up into the air, "I don't know! Who the hell does he think he is controlling my love life, and actually even every aspect of my life! He always thinks he knows what's best for us or anyone signed under this label but he doesn't and I just, I don't want to break if off but he's basically threatening us and it's ju-just I don't want of lose you again." I ranted, though I lost it at the end. Everything that I had been trying to contain came flooding out. In tears. "Hey...hey." Zayn said softly as he enveloped me into a tight embrace as he rubbed my back. "You won't lose me. We'll keep our relationship private, just like it is now and management won't have to know about it." He tried to reassure me. "But the consequences..." I said, pulling back as I wiped my tear stained cheek. "There won't be any, we'll be careful. It's not like there's anything he can do to hurt us." I nodded, wanting to believe everything Zayn said, but the worst kept coming into my mind. What would Will do if he found out we never broke it off? Would he kick me out of the band? Would he kick Zayn out? "Everything will be fine." He reassured me again, his thumb brushing my right cheek to rid a teardrop away. "You won't lose me, I love you." He said with a timid smile. "I love you too." I said as he gave me a small, sweet kiss on the lips. "Let's get you home now." He said as his wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me towards his car.

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