The 'Moment' Instance

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Iris's P.O.V

*Two weeks later

"So.. What's your story?" Felix asked.

"Why should I divulge that?"

"You said it yourself: I know almost nothing about you." I stopped what I was doing, and looked at him with an amused expression plastered on my face.

"I said knew almost nothing about you. But nice try." He cursed under his breath.

"Well, I'm Felix Kjellberg. I'm from Gothenburg, I'm 24, you know where I live, where I work, and you've seen me dance in a bra and underwear. I think I deserve a freebee."

We were in Felix's house, and I was helping him unpack since he still had a lot of shit. I know, boring. But it wasn't actually that bad so far. And I wore my unpacking clothes. He got most of the living room unpacked on his own since there wasn't that much, and two hours later, we're in his room.

He was handling his clothes, and I was unpacking all of his recording shit that he didn't have out yet.

"What do you want to know?" I asked softly, already knowing the answer.

"What is the real reason you moved here?" He asked in the same tone of voice.

"My parents moved down here after I graduated high school because my dad got relocated to a different firm. And so I lived with the guy I had dated since my freshman year. And before I got my bachelors degree, he asked me to marry him, and I wasn't ready. So I moved out. I lived with my friend for awhile and realized that I missed my parents, and Florida didn't feel like home anymore, so I finished up school and moved here." I said, and Felix remained quiet.

"So.. You have commitment issues?" I cringed at the word 'issues', but nodded my head. Because it was true.

"Well, that's okay!" He said cheerfully, and I turned to face him to see he wore a positive grin. I gave a half-hearted, slightly confused, smile in return.

"Why is that okay?" I asked timidly.

"Because it isn't going to change me liking you." He stated matter-of-factly. I felt blush rise to my cheeks, and pressed my cold hands to them to calm and hide it. He smirked once he realized what he did.

He took several steps closer to me, and my cheeks burned brighter.

"Iris," He breathed. His hands held onto my elbows as if I would float away. I let my hands sink away from my face, and I placed them on his chest. He scooted closer to me a smiled a content smile.

Now that I think about it, I'm 127.2% positive that I might float away.

"What?" I said hoarsely. Sometimes it seemed like he was being so perfect just to tease me, and sometimes it was as if he didn't realize what affect he had on me. My mouth had gone completely dry. A feeling like it was full of sawdust empowered me every time we interacted this way.

"You blushed." He stated. I squealed in playful anger and embarrassment, and lightly knocked my head against his chest.

"I know, you ass." He chuckled, and I felt the vibrations of it against my skull. I let my eyes flutter close, and I breathed him in. For awhile, neither of us spoke. I just pressed my ear against his heart and listened to the steady beating. His hands shifted so that they were placed between my shoulder blades, and we pulled closer. Now my hands were just below his heart. But I could still feel the thrum that assured me he was still there. For some reason, it made me twice as relaxed.

"I know that you might feel unsure, but I'll be patient." He spoke after a long time. He spoke barely above a whisper, but I still heard the sound of his deep voice that was like honey to me.

"Uncertainty is scary, and I've done nothing to prove I'd be worthy as anything more than a friend. Hell, I don't even think I've been a good friend." I pulled my head off his chest, and looked him in the eyes.

"That's not true." I said, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"Why would you say that?" I said.

"Well, with Marzia and I breaking up not so long ago, I'm sure you think you're unworthy. And that's the last thing I want to make you feel."

"You'd still be worthy. It's not like I'm anything special. I'm just a person."

"That's not true." He said, mimicking me. We both smiled.

"You're special, and whether you know it or not, you are. You're special, and eventually, you'll be mine." I hid my smile in his chest. 

"I can't wait." He loosened his grip on me, and I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was a little after 7 P.M. 

"I should go." I said, and his face fell, but he nodded understandingly. 

"Bye Felix." I said. And then I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. My lips barely ghosted across the supple skin of his cheekbone. Without another glance, I grabbed my purse, and walked out. 

When I made it about a block away, I felt my fingertips rise to my lips. I traced them softly. A feeling like any other coated my lips. It was a warm tingling feeling of his skin again mine that caused more butterflies to break out at the mere thought. 

I sighed, both content and torn.

Between what?

I wasn't sure.

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