The First Name Basis Phenomenon

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        Felix's P.O.V

Not to sound creepy or anything, but if Iris and I were to ever become a thing, it's good to know that she'll look this hot when she's fifty. Not that I'm conceited! You know what, fuck talking about this.

They were definitely eccentric. But not something genius Pewds couldn't handle. 

I let out a sigh of relief as soon as Iris excused herself to go to the restroom.

"Mr. And Mrs. Lockheart, I'm going to be blunt, and I know you don't know me very well, but.." I trailed off out of nervousness, and they both raised their brow at me.

"I would love to date your daughter." Mrs. Lockheart's confused expression turned into a big smile, and Mr. Lockheart seemed unaffected.

"Who wouldn't? We notice the guys that are constantly throwing themselves at her. Even if we were to say yes, what makes you think you can crack her 'oblivion bubble'?" Mrs. Lockheart hit him in the chest with her purse, and he let out an oof.

"Darrell! Don't be rude. He seems like a very nice young man, and this is a romantic gesture. And I thought chivalry was dead!" She said, giving me a warm smile. I smiled back, and looked over at Mr. Lockheart.

"Mr. Lockheart - "

"For Christ's sake boy, call me Darrell." I nodded and gave a half-hearted smile.

"Darrell.. I know she may not see it now, but I want to be able to make her see, and make her feel special when she's with me. I know it's not much, and I know I'm not much, but I really like her. She's different. It's no wonder guys throw themselves at her." I said with a nervous chuckle, and nervously wrung my hands under the table. Mrs. Lockheart held her hand to her heart and 'Awwed'.

I looked over to Darrell, and he threw his hands up in mock surrender. 

"Fair enough. You can give it a shot. You seem like a nice kid." He said and I grinned. Mrs. Lockheart grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Call me Tabitha." She said motherly, and I nodded.

At first glance, they seem wildly irritating and insane. But I know better to judge a book by its cover. 

I felt a gentle breeze fly past me, and looked to see Iris seating herself. She stared at our hands bemused just like this morning when Victoria did that skipping thing.

"Should I ask?" She said, and Tabitha released my hand, giving her a smile that twinkled with mischievousness.

"Just getting to know Felix a bit better. You're very zen for a Swedish man, what part of Sweden are you from?" She said in a breathy voice.

"Gothenburg." I said, trying to mask my smile.

"Oh shoot," She said, snapping her manicured fingers together. "I was going to guess Stockholm."

"Fairly close. An easy mistake." I said. I looked over at Iris with a smile, and she playfully rolled her eyes. Her dad asked her a question, and she turned her attention to him. I spared a glance over to Tabitha, and she gave me a wink that almost made me burst out laughing.

"I read that your book thing got published in the paper. That's great." Darrell said in a monotone voice that made me cringe. Her smile faltered a bit, but she struggled to hold it up.

"Yeah. We're still working on the cover and the contract. I'm very happy." She said, which made me smile.

"Have you talked to Soph?" She asked, and Iris sadly furrowed her eyebrows, staring at her hands.

"No mom. Not for awhile."

"Really? She didn't tell you that she's getting married soon?" She asked, and Iris's head snapped up in disbelief.

"She's only nineteen!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, but, she loves him. At least she has love." She mumbled the last part, but I could tell Iris had heard it. I could practically hear her heart shattering.

"Have the invites already been sent out?" She asked, and her mom shook her head.

"I can't believe she didn't call you." She said, sounding disappointed.

"It's fine. I just expect an invite. I'm her fucking sister after all."

"Language." Tabitha chastised. Iris rolled her eyes, but nodded her head. 

 The rest of lunch was quiet after we finished eating. After a few hugs goodbye, and a couple parting words to Iris from her parents, her mom gave me a hug and whispered 'Go get 'em.' Giving a toothy grin after she pulled back, and her dad gave me a handshake with a look that said 'Good luck. You'll need it.'

Thoroughly intimidated, I watched as they drove away in their car, before pulling Iris in the opposite direction. I draped an arm over her shoulder as she gracefully strode forward. She seemed unaffected by my gesture for a few seconds, and I contemplated pulling away, until I felt her head lean into the crook of my neck. Her eyes drew closed as I guided her. I could tell by the way her eyelashes fluttered against my skin, causing goosebumps that she fortunately couldn't see rise on my arms. 

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