The internet boyfriend solution

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    Iris's P.O.V     

I jammed my keys in the lock and fumbled with the damn door until I heard the sharp 'click' that acknowledged my success. I sighed, feeling exasperated, and threw the door open. I heard a soft padding of feet about a minute after announcing my arrival. Victoria suddenly emerged from her room and appeared in front of me, warily rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Have you been sleeping all day?" I asked incredulously as I stalked towards the kitchen, Victoria following a step behind me.

"No, I woke up an hour after you, and stayed up for four more hours before going back to bed. Then I fell asleep. What time is it?"

"It's eight." I said with my eyebrow raised as I opened the refrigerator door. 

"Huh. Would you look at that." She said in a monotone voice as she collected her unruly dark brown hair with blonde streaks, and braided it down the side.

"Seriously? We're doing THIS?" I said as I pulled out a frozen pizza and a bottle of water.

"Doing what?" She asked innocently as she batted her eyelashes. 

"Sleeping in ten hour intervals." I said as I slid the gorgeous pizza out of its box and preheated the oven. She shrugged as I raised myself up with the back of my hands, and plopped down on the counter top. She pulled out a chair and sat down with a grunt, raising her hands under her chin as she leaned forlornly against our dining room table.

"I know, I'm a failure." She said, pouting and pushing back a couple strands of hair out of her face.

"You're not a failure." I stated as I unscrewed the cap off of the water bottle, and took a long gulp.

"I know." She said, and her expression shifted to a happy one. She jumped up quickly, and giggled at her own.. Joke? What that supposed to be a joke?

"So, I met a guy today." She said with a faraway look as she recalled her glorious day. She reached past me and grabbed a banana off of the steel tree the yellow fruit hung on. I raised my eyebrows, still trying to process her sudden mood change.

"Woah, woah, what?" I said, waving my hands dramatically around my face as I tried to collect any sort of transition she might've used without my knowledge. Nope. Nothing.

"A GUUUUYYY. You probably forgot what they were. You still haven't had one boyfriend even after all the time you've spent here." She said, casually peeling her banana as I shot daggers her way. My face morphed into one of recollection and embarrassment as I scratched my arm nervously.

Every time she brought up relationships, (which was more often then I would've preferred) I thought of Elliot.

My husband-supposed-to-be.

"Anyways, I met him on the internet."

"Safe." I said, giving her a sarcastic thumbs up. She rolled her eyes, and continued her explanation of her internet bo.

"His name's Ryan, and-" A beep rang clear, and I stuffed the pizza in the oven before setting the stove's timer.

"He lives in Florida. He's about three years older than me. We met in this internet game, and next thing I know, I'm giving my Skype address!" She laughed. "And, not only is he smart and and funny and totally likes dubstep and cats - He's hot!" She gawked.   

I made sure to throw in a few convincing 'Mhm's' as I zoned out entirely. 

"Sounds great, Vikki." I said, and checked my pizza impatiently. When I turned back to her, a frown was etched into her beautiful face.

"Don't be bitter." She mumbled.

"I am NOT bitter." I laughed dryly, sticking my hands up defensively.

"Are too." She pouted.

"Am not." I insisted.

"Are tooooo!" She sang in a way that made me want to use my fists for the good of mankind and punch her in the face.

"Am not." I huffed, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Whatever. Seriously Iris, if you don't start using that thing," She said, gesturing crudely. "You're going to lose it's privileges." She said creepily, and stuffed her face with food.

"Says the girl seeing a guy over the internet who's God-knows-where."

"Florida." She grumbled and I shrugged.

"That's what you SAAYYYY!" I sang in that ridiculous way she does.

"I thought British people were supposed to be poised and have perfect manners." 

"That's a stereotype and I won't allow it in this house." She said, drawing an invisible circle around the premise.

"That one's actually in your favor though you dumb broad." I said with a chuckle, and she huffed one last time before leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I heard a shrill timer sound in my ears, and inhaled eeply the smell of pizza. A ghost of a smile slowly spread across my face, and I promptly pulled it out of the oven.

Oh yeah.

And want to know what?

I ate that whole God damned pizza.

Bitter my ass.

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