The Parental Solicitation

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        Iris's P.O.V

"Do you have any plans today?" Felix asked as he shuffled the eggs on his plate with his fork.

"Actually, yes. My parents and I are going out to lunch at two." I said as I shoveled a bite into my mouth.

"Oh, can I come?!" He lit up, bouncing in his chair like a child.

"You want to meet my parents?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Sure, I love old people!" He beamed, and I choked on the food I had in my mouth.

"Okay, don't tell them that." I strained to say after a fit of hacking. Attractive.

"So, I can come?" He said, leaning in cutely.

"Oh, uhm, sure.." I said, with a hint of question.

"Honestly, my parents will have a heart attack at the fact that I brought an actual guy to lunch." I mumbled.

"Haven't dated in awhile?"

"Not since after I got my bachelors degree." He looked dubious.

"You've lived on your own for that long?"

"Is that hard to believe?" I said sharply.

"Well, you're so.. Never mind. " He said, casting his eyes down.

"I'll have you know that I've managed as much on my own for quite awhile." I said, letting slight agitation peak through my tone.

"I didn't mean to upset you.. It's just.. I've never really been on my own." He said, sounding.. Guilty?

"That's refreshing." I said, rolling my eyes. He gave a sheepish grin.

"I promise I'm not a player."

"Sure, you broke up with your girlfriend a whole month ago. Must've been hard trying to manage without some.. comfort." As I trailed off, I slowly turned my fork so it was pointing at me.

"Can we just drop it?" He said.

"I'm sorry.. But you can't really blame me, can you?"

"No.. I just.. You have self-control. For Christ's sake, guys are drooling over you all the time and you are just completely unnoticing." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"It's true! You just seem to tune it out!" He reassured. My cheeks flushed a slight hue of pink, and I tilted my head down. I'm not oblivious. I know when a guy wants to be with me. It's just never happened.

        Felix's P.O.V

"Oh, yeah. She's totally oblivious. She gets asked out like three times a week, but just assumes everyone is her 'friend' and they have no other intentions." Victoria said, rolling her eyes. Iris was getting dressed, and so I decided to talk to Victoria about her.

"The only guy in several years that she's noticed had a crush on her is you. And still, that's only like.. Half of the time." I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"What do I need to do? Get a fucking sign?!" I groaned. She chuckled, and met my eyes.

"You're meeting her parents today, right?" I slowly nodded my head.

"Well, just a tip: They're a bit eccentric." I smirked.

"And I'm not?"

"I never said that. Look, they love Iris. They just put her sister above her constantly, so they gave up trying. In her love life, her career. They just think it's a joke."

"That sucks. I've always had the support of my parents. Even when I changed my career entirely."

"Yeah. Well." She suddenly jumped up with new found hope. I could practically see the light bulb looming over her head.

"I know! You could get their blessing!"

"I like Iris, but I don't think I want to marry her." She smacked my arm.

"Not like that you dumbass! I mean, since she's so oblivious, you could win her parents over, get permission to date her, andBOOM!" She said with wild hand gestures.

"They're nagging her so frequently to date you that she'll never have second thoughts that you like her again!" I nodded along to what she was saying, a smile slowly spreading across my face.

"That actually sounds perfect. Super romantic." I said, giving her a thumbs up. She stood triumphantly, crossing her arms over one another.

"I know." She praised, happily trotting away.

Iris came in, looking amused and confused (THAT RHYMED WHOA BREAKIN' THE FOURTH WALL) at the same time.

"What's with her?" She said, jabbing her thumb behind her and smiling.

"I dunno, she's your weirdo friend."

        Time-skip (Ba-loop, Ba-loop)

        Iris's P.O.V

I looked at the watch Felix had on his wrist for the third time in the past five minutes. My leg kept uncontrollably tapping, and I continued to peak my head up, hoping and dreading to see the familiar faces of my parents at the same time.

"Iris, people are starting to stare."

"You'd be doing the same thing too if you were trying to impress your parents all your life." I said hurriedly as my head snapped in all different directions.

Felix placed his hand on my shoulder, and I felt myself relaxing. I looked over to see he had a smile that reached to his icy blue eyes. My breath hitched in my throat and I gave him a smile back.

"Iris, darling!" I heard the voice of my mother. I internally cringed, and craned my neck to see my mom and dad. My mom wore a tight red dress for her curvy frame, and large glasses on half her face. Her high heels clacked as she sashayed, and I instantly knew it was her. The dead give away: The voice. It made me wish we went to less public places for the 'Bash on Iris' club. She spoke in the fakest British accent, and it didn't help that she was loud. I could just feel the dirty looks radiating from around them. And now, me.

Remind me again why I brought Felix? Oh yeah, because I can't say no to fucking hot guys.


"Hi, mom." I said meekly as I stood. She pushed her glasses on top of her head, and gave me two kisses on the cheek. Can she be more cliche? My eyes darted over to my dad, who gave me a warm smile. I looked to see what he was wearing. I facepalmed.

"Dad, we've talked about this, when you wear pajamas out with mom, people think she's a gold digger." I said irritably. He was wearing pajama pants, and slippers with an over-sized Hanes brand shirt. Y'know, the cotton kind you get for two dollars to wear as an undershirt for actual clothing? He wasn't too thin, his height evened him out. He was about a head taller than Felix. Oh, yeah.

"Mom, dad, this is Felix." I said, shuffling aside to reveal the Swedish man that wound up behind me in the first place. He sheepishly grinned, and held out his hand. My dad ignored him, and sat down, and my mom pulled him into a hug like the one she gave me. Yes, fake kisses included.

He looked over at me with a crooked grin, but his eyes gave away everything: "How are you so normal?" I shrugged, and he sat down.

My mom had glossy blonde hair that hung sort of wavy, and my dad had black hair that was slowly retreating to gray by his sideburns. My dad looked nice with his black hair and blue eyes, and my mom was beautiful with her honey colored eyes and golden hair. When I was little, I somehow inherited wild murky brown hair from my grandma and her mom before that. So, when I was in my sophomore year of high school, I died it red. Anywho, I'm gradually getting further away from the point.

"Felix? Is this your boyfriend?" My mom said hopefully. I was used to this. She's enthralled by my baby sisters and I's love life. Or rather, my baby sisters. 

"No, mom." I said.

"What an interesting name." She said. Under all the makeup and weight loss videos, my mother was a down-to-earth person. I love both of my parents, and in some weird way that most people wouldn't get, they love me too.

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