The foreigner epidemic

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Iris's P.O.V

I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I suppressed a yawn. The most recent story Donnie had placed in from of me had not been the most interesting, especially since this was hour eight of my ten hour shift.

"You look tired." I heard someone speak to me, and glanced up to see Phil leaning against the wall. A smile slowly spread across my face.

"Sup, bro?" I said, and he laughed.

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired." I shrugged, skimming back over the paragraph I had zoned out in, and heard shuffling as he came closer.

"You look beaten up, and you've been here for.. How long?"

"Eight hours. But it's okay, because I'm only stuck here for two more."

"How about I take what you have in your hand there, and you call it a day?" He said, and I was quick to shake my head. "Thank you, but it's not fair to anyone else here."

"Nah, it'll be fine. I'll just say that it was in celebration for your first published piece." I smiled at that, and nodded. I slowly stood up, stretching my limbs slightly. I grabbed my keys and phone and downed the last of my cold coffee.

"Thank you bunches, Phil. I really appreciate it." I said, giving him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek before waving goodbye to Samantha and Ian, who were in today. I heard bells chime overhead as I walked out, and I took my hair out of the ponytail I had put it in. A sigh escaped my lips as I shook my velvety locks loose. I closed my eyes as a breeze hit my pale skin. I just wanted to go home, make Victoria make me dinner, and go to bed.

In my sleeping fantasy, I wasn't watching where I was going, and totally ran into a guy.

"Ah!" I hissed as soon as a shoulder collided with mine. I flew back, and regained my footing, unlike the man I basically shoved.

"JÄVLAR FAN!" I heard a foreign voice shout.

"Sorry! Wait, do you do speak English?" I said more to myself as I held my hand out. He looked at me like I was odd, and I waved my hand in front of his face.

"HAAAAND. TAAAAKE." I said, pointing at my hand. He scowled, and took my hand.

"That's very offensive for several reasons." He said in a pleasing voice, and I felt like facepalming. He was pretty cute too.

"Iris." I said and helped him gather up his things.

"Felix." He replied with a grin.

"I'm sorry for.. Running into you.." I trailed off at the end, pretty embarrassed.

"No problem. I would've fallen anyways. I'm kind of a klutz."

"Are you new here?" I said and he nodded his head.

"You're American." He stated and I giggled.

"Don't worry, you're in the right place. And you're... Swedish?" I said timidly, worried my answer could be wrong. He nodded with a grin and I fistpumped.

"Fuck yeah! Nailed it!" I shouted, and organized his stuff. A couple things had flown out of his suitcase, and I attempted to place them neatly in order.

"Thanks." He muttered once everything was picked up off the leaf riddled concrete.

"No problem." I said back, grinning proudly.

"So.. You don't know who I am?" I arched my brow curiously. I placed my hand on my chin as I tried to remember if I knew someone like him.

Medium cut blonde hair, and a bit of blonde hair that speckled his chin and upper lip. Gorgeous icy blue eyes, and a strong jawline. He was about a foot taller than me and.. Swedish. Nope. No one.

"No?" I giggled as if it was obvious.

"You don't?"

"Dude, I don't know any Swedish guys who just moved to England.. I think that's the start of a knock knock joke.." I trailed off, and he sighed and laughed.

"Am I supposed to?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"You know what? Never mind. Just forget about.. This." He chuckled.

"I'll forget about my racism, and body slamming you, but not the interaction. You seem.. Look, you're pretty cool, but I just got off an eight hour shift, and all I want to do is sleep." I said and he nodded understandingly.

"I hope I see you around." I said and walked away. He bid me a goodbye, and I turned around and smiled slightly.

On my way home, I contemplated my interaction with that sexy foreigner. God, I sound like I'm in some thirteen year old girl's fanfiction.

        A/N: *Cough, cough* Fourteen!

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