The Voodoo Dolls Impasse

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Iris's P.O.V

I want to throw Felix.

Slight dramatization, but he's the closest thing to me, and I want to throw something. He was flicking through the channels on the TV at my house with his arm slung around my shoulder. I could tell he knew I was pissed, and was trying to comfort me. I was actually pretty comfy too, what with his squishy man-chest and body heat. But I wanted him to know I was mad.

I stared at his face, and I could tell he noticed. He tensed, but continued to look fascinated with the History channel. I scrunched my nose up, and plucked the remote from his hands. In one swift movement of me flicking my wrist, I had thrown the remote across the room. Felix sat there, his hand still holding the position if the remote was still in his hands. His head slowly turned to me, and I sat upright.

"UGH!" I screamed, to which he flinched.

"Do you not like the History channel?" He asked slowly, as if I would tackle him. Given the evidence from the past minute, I could see why he would assume that.

"I'm gonna punch Sophie in the face!" I declared, flailing about and throwing the large abundance of pillows on the couch on the ground. He stood still like a statue, and watched as I threw my hissy fit like a child. Literally how a child would react. Once all the pillows had toppled off the couch, I buried my face between two of the couch cushions, and kicked my feet and arms against the couch. All while screaming.

I didn't give myself time to be mortified quite yet. But I'll get there.

After my body went limp, and I just laid there with my face pressed against the bottom of the couch, I felt two hands on my shoulder. Felix slowly guided me up with an amused smirk plastered on his face. He attempted to smooth down my no doubt unruly red hair.

"Iris," I humphed in response.

"Who the fuck is Sophie?" I wanted to laugh at the stupidity of myself. Felix had been comforting me, knowing I was mad, but wasn't even sure why.

"My sister." He nodded knowingly, and his amused smile faded. His hands still remained on my forearms. He gently rubbed up and down like how you would with someone who was cold, but I just found it comforting.

"And she's getting married?"

"Apparently. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. But, of course she does. She's Miss Good-For-Her-She-Has-No-Career-Or-Goals-But-At-Least-She-Has-A-God-Damned-Boyfriend!" I spat, sickeningly sweet sarcasm lacing my words.

"And you're mad because she didn't tell you?"

"Well, yeah. I'm her older sister. I've looked over her all her life when my parents couldn't be there. It's like she resents me because I'm not a relationship person like her. It's also because my parents just shower her in affection twenty four seven. I may not have a boyfriend, but I have major things going on." He nodded during my rant. The last sentence came out unsure for some reason. But I did have things going on. I was getting a book published! And, well.. That's it. But they don't know me. I don't need accomplishments to feel accomplished. I feel content with the way I live because I'm in the pursuit of something greater altogether. But they wouldn't understand.

But instead of vocalizing that specific thought like an adult, I just crossed my arms and grumbled to myself.

He chuckled, and tilted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes.

"There's nothing you can do about your parents. Trust me. But if what they say affects you, then you can change that. I'm positive you'll get an invite from your sister. Family is everything."

"How do expect me to change what affects me?"

"If they see a problem, and you see it too, then you can change that. But, if you're content with your life, then who gives a shit?" He said softly. He gave me a smile that made me want to over dramatically swoon. Yes, most people would actually swoon. I just like over dramatic better.

Are you really surprised?

I legit just threw a tantrum.

"Do you want to do something to get your mind off of everything?" He said, in a way that wasn't dirty. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of bummed at that fact. The only downside to being single (Besides being single) is the sex. I've only ever had it with one guy, but as far as I remember, it was great.

And, yeah, I'm starting to forget.

"What are you thinking?" I asked after my inappropriate thoughts ceased. 

"I don't know, maybe a movie? We can just hang out?"

"I just kind of want to hang out here." I mumbled, and he nodded.


A couple hours later, Victoria walked through the door, hand-in-hand with Ryan.

"Hey gu - What the fuck happened to my pillows?" I completely forgot about that.

"I threw a tantrum." I said in a child's voice, poking out my bottom lip.

Felix laughed, and Victoria just looked at me in inspection.

"You just returned from lunch with your parents.. You threw a tantrum.. Pillows are everywhere.. Your hair is messy. Are you sure you and Felix didn't just have sex?" Felix's eyes widened as he froze, and Ryan flushed a pale color, looking anywhere but us.

"We didn't have sex." I said nonchalantly. 

"Okay, so something happened with your parents." She said it like a statement, and I nodded.

"What is it?"

"Sophie.. Is getting married." I spoke softly. Victoria's eyes widened.

"And she didn't tell me." I said, and Victoria flushed red with anger. 

"I'm getting the supplies." She said as she stalked off towards her bedroom.

"No, Victoria! We have company!" I heard a muffled 'Shut the fuck up this is happening!' and turned back around. Oh God. Felix was going to think I was insane. I don't really care about Ryan, and I guess Victoria doesn't care much either.

She came back out, toting a large box filled with supplies.

She plopped it down on the coffee table, and pulled back the plastic lid.

"What is this?" Felix asked as he peered in.

"Shit to make Voodoo dolls. Duh." Victoria said as she rummaged around to find what she was looking for. She had a shit ton of creepy tan dolls that were like the beanbags you threw in hopscotch. She handed me one of them, a blue and black marker, glue, yellow yarn, and a dress that looks like something Sophie would wear.

"Where the hell'd you get that?" I asked dubiously.

"It was a dress made for small dogs, but I am constantly preparing for family member or friends to stab us in the back so we can stab them in theirs." I shook my head, but accepted the supplies, and started making one. 

Felix was silent most of the time, but he didn't look that freaked out.

"I can't imagine you being okay with this." I muttered to him as I glued hair to the doll. 

"I've done weirder." He shrugged, and I nodded knowingly.

Can't say the same for Ryan. That poor bastard.

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