The random link omission

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       Hey, yo, 2+ comments or I'll leave you at this cliffhanger. Sorry, not sorry. 

        Iris's P.O.V

Call me stupid, but despite that moving speech Victoria gave.. I still hadn't called or texted Felix. That was two weeks ago.

So what if I've been burying myself in my work or planning my next moves on my novel? I can't take the looks Victoria has been giving me, but I can't keep this up much longer.

I was editing the same piece as I was a couple weeks ago, and I was pushing to finish the entire book before next week when I heard a ping from my computer. 

Wait, when did I open up Facebook? Gypsies. I shrug, and click on the tab.

Greeeeeat. A message from Victoria.

Victoria: Hey so yeah, click this link, and if you don't watch it... I will know. And I will not show up to your funeral *sassy finger snap*

And then there was a link. I raised my brow, but decided not to question it as I clicked it. I found it easier to just not question Victoria.

Okay, it was Pewdiepie. I very much did not like this. I knew that name. I thought that name was a God damned sneeze.

But, I watched it. I tried to not watch. I kept that stupid little arrow on the red circle for the longest time, and kept preparing myself to escape, but I never did.

Wow. This guy was a freaking psycho.

Definitely made me feel a little more confident. 

I was trying to hold in my laughs to the point where I felt tears threatening to pool over. I didn't want anyone to know I was watching this.

I mean. This was worse than porn.

After a couple more videos, I exited out and finished up my work quickly.

Downing my coffee in one gulp, I threw the mug in my bag, not caring to wash it before. I rather liked the smell of coffee constantly in my purse. *No sarcasm intended from Iris or any.. Creator of some sort*

I pulled my fiery hair together and twisted it into a messy bun of sorts; clipping it before sorting out my things.

I strode over to a door all the way down at the left side at the end of the hallway. Sadly, this was not the exit.

"Hey, yo, Billy." I said, knocking a couple times. I heard a grunt that signaled I was allowed to come in, and I swung the door open.

"How on earth are you an editor?" He asked, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yo?" He added, and I laughed as realization dawned on me.

"Anyways, I'm here to turn in a couple chapters." I said, gesturing to the large abundance of papers in my arms.

"Damn. You do good." He said, and I laughed again.

Billy was a man of about fifty, not too old, not too young. He got along with everyone. You could tell by his laugh lines and kind brown eyes that he was a good guy. I liked working for him. His wardrobe consisted of sweater vests over collared shirts. Mostly paisley. Samantha has tried telling him countless times that just because it's a grey or black sweater vest, does not mean the paisley shirt is accounted for and/or appreciated.

He wore khaki slacks and had his liver spotted hands shoved in his pockets while making conversation when he wasn't helping out around here.

His dad's dad opened up the firm awhile ago, and when Billy retires, the business will most likely be handed to his son, who was my age. His name was Dalton, and I've only met him a couple times, but he seemed like he could do a pretty good job. And he definitely has no problem with running the business. He's a good man, and he loves his father.

He's not half bad looking too. But not the man I wanted.

Which reminded me.. 

"You wanna take these?" I asked rhetorically, and he did with a playful eye roll.

"My bad, darlin'. Are you heading out?" I nodded my head.

"If that's okay with you." I verified, and he shot me a of-course-you're-allowed-to-have-a-life-you-dumb-hoe look. I raised my hands up in defense.

"If looks could kill.." I said and he chuckled, before I walked out.

"I'm leaving!" I said loudly to everyone in their cubicle, and I heard a chorus of Bye Iris! from the small amount of people that worked there.

I gathered my things and threw my bag over my shoulder before walking out of the office to see Felix sitting down on the curb outside, holding a small bouquet of flowers.

Shit just got real.

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